
Ahold Delhaize Executives Receive “Bad Egg Awards” on National Supermarket Employee Day


In honor of National Supermarket Employee Day, grocery executives received an unexpected delivery: “Bad Egg Awards” calling out their failure to keep promises to hens and customers.

When grocery store executives make promises to their customers, they should keep them. Instead, leaders at some of America’s largest supermarket chains continue to drag their feet on animal welfare commitments, choosing profits over principles and empty words over meaningful action.

To mark National Supermarket Employee Day on February 22, The Humane League recognized the leadership failure of several Ahold Delhaize executives with “Bad Egg Awards.” These awards were presented to:

While National Supermarket Employee Day typically celebrates the hardworking individuals who keep our grocery stores running, it also serves as a reminder of the responsibility that corporate leadership holds. Nearly a decade ago, Ahold Delhaize’s brands made promises to transition to 100% cage-free eggs, yet they continue to support systems that treat hens as commodities rather than the living, feeling beings they are.

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The “Bad Egg Awards” highlight how these executives have failed their customers by:

  • Breaking promises made to consumers about transitioning to cage-free eggs
  • Offering hollow excuses instead of taking meaningful action
  • Continuing to profit from the confinement of hens in cruel battery cage systems

This recognition comes at a time when consumers increasingly demand corporate accountability and transparency. Each day these executives delay their cage-free commitment is another day they choose to support a system that denies hens their most basic interests and rights.

You can help hold these executives accountable. Visit to join the movement demanding that Ahold Delhaize and its brands fulfill their promises to end their support of cruel cage systems.

End Cages