
What Are Broiler Chickens and How Long Do They Live?


Broiler chickens are chickens raised for meat. On factory farms, they’re usually slaughtered when they’re just 6-7 weeks old.

Broiler chicken
Photo: Konrad Lozinski

Broiler chickens are among the most widely farmed animals in the world. And yet, their suffering is largely hidden from public view. Selectively bred to grow unnaturally large in a short amount of time, broiler chickens lead tragically short lives on factory farms—often suffering untreated injuries, collapsing under their own weight, and enduring a brutal slaughter.

What are broiler chickens?

Broiler chickens are among the most intensively farmed animals in the world, with over 9 billion slaughtered annually in the United States alone. These chickens, specifically bred for meat production, represent the culmination of decades of selective breeding aimed at maximizing growth rate and breast muscle yield.

Recent industry data shows that modern broiler chickens reach “market” weight nearly three times faster than chickens from the 1950s. This dramatic acceleration in growth rate is primarily achieved through intensive genetic selection and specialized nutrition programs, rather than hormone use (which is prohibited in poultry production). However, this rapid growth comes at a severe cost to the birds’ health and well-being.

What’s the difference between broilers and layers?

The modern poultry farming industry has created two distinct categories of chickens through intensive selective breeding: “broilers” for meat production and “layers” for egg production. Over decades, farmers have bred animals to possess certain traits, such as a rapid muscular growth rate or the ability to lay large amounts of eggs. Today’s industrial farming practices have pushed these birds to biological extremes in the pursuit of maximum production efficiency.

The selective breeding of broiler chickens has focused primarily on accelerating growth rate and maximizing breast muscle development. These genetic modifications have created birds whose bodies grow so rapidly that their bones, organs, and cardiovascular systems cannot keep pace. While their wild ancestors reached maturity in 4-5 months, today’s broiler chickens achieve their slaughter weight in just 6-7 weeks—a rate of growth that causes severe welfare problems.

Broiler chicken breeds

There are hundreds of diverse species of chickens—all with varying sizes, characteristics, and beautiful feather patterns. However, only a few breeds of broiler chickens are used on factory farms today.

Sadly, this selective breeding has resulted in serious health concerns for chickens. Many are unable to walk or even stand, instead spending their lives lying in filth that burns their legs and skin. Some experience heart complications and die before they're even a few weeks old.

How are broiler chickens raised?

To understand what these animals experience, let's follow a broiler chicken throughout her life.

A broiler chicken begins her life in a hatchery, where thousands and thousands of eggs are incubated and hatched. She'll never get to see her parents, since they're kept in separate breeding facilities.

When she's about a day old, she'll be placed onto a conveyor belt to be vaccinated through a spray or injection. Then, the conveyor belt will drop her into a transport crate about the size of a large desk drawer. Packed in with thousands of other chicks, her crate will be stacked in a truck for transport to the "grow-out facility." This is where she's destined to spend the majority of her short life.

Grow-out facilities are massive windowless industrial sheds where chickens never see natural light or feel fresh air. A single facility can house over 500,000 birds—each confined to a space smaller than a sheet of paper for their entire lives.

A broiler chicken will never see the light of day or feel the fresh air. She’ll spend the remaining weeks of her life packed tightly with other birds, suffering health issues due to her unnatural growth rate. If she lives to six or seven weeks old, she’ll finally leave the warehouse—only to endure a brutal slaughter in her final moments.

At the slaughterhouse, chickens face their final moments in a process known to cause significant suffering. Birds are shackled upside down in metal restraints, a procedure that compresses their legs and causes acute pain—particularly for birds already suffering from lameness, leg diseases, or bone injuries. The stress of being hung upside down causes chickens to struggle frantically, and rough handling during shackling often results in dislocated joints and broken bones.

The birds are then moved through an electrified water bath meant to render them unconscious before their throats are cut. However, this stunning process is frequently ineffective. Birds may receive painful pre-stun shocks if their wings touch the water before their heads, or they may miss the water entirely by lifting their heads. When stunning fails, birds remain conscious through the throat-cutting process and may even be conscious when entering the scalding tank used to remove their feathers.

How long do broiler chickens live?

Generally speaking, chickens can live for many years. Matilda, a Red Pyle chicken, broke a Guinness World Record for the world’s oldest living chicken, reaching the age of 16 years. Even though Matilda’s lifespan was exceptional, the typical lifespan of backyard chickens can be between 5-12 years.

The lives of broiler chickens are cut drastically short.

But within industrial agriculture scenarios, the lives of broiler chickens are cut drastically short. Birds can be slaughtered anywhere from 21 days to 170 days old. In the US, the typical slaughter age is 47 days, while in the EU the slaughter age is 42 days.

Despite the fact that these birds can appear full-grown due to their accelerated growth, factory-farmed birds are still essentially chicks when they are killed. This is just one of a number of health, welfare, and environmental issues created by raising broiler chickens on factory farms.

Do broiler chickens lay eggs?

Yes, broiler hens can lay eggs. Known as parent birds, stock breeders, or broiler breeders, chickens who lay and fertilize eggs destined for broiler farms are integral to the poultry industry.

As chicks, broiler breeders are often put through various mutilations, such as beak trimming and comb dubbing, where portions of their beak and comb (crest) are removed. Broiler breeders are kept in facilities similar to grow-out barns for regular broiler chickens, in mixed-sex flocks to allow for natural mating behavior and fertilizing. Eggs are collected and sent to hatcheries, where the lives of broiler chickens begin.

Parent birds live in a state of constant hunger because they must be kept on highly restricted diets to prevent them from growing too fast and dying from excessive weight gain before they reach sexual maturity.

Welfare issues

Within any concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO)—regardless of the species being farmed—the conditions are so unnatural that they give rise to a host of welfare issues. But broiler chickens endure some of the cruelest abuses of any animal. Sequestered in tight, indoor quarters for the duration of their lives, they meet their demise via live-shackle slaughter, which is known to cause significant suffering. Below are just a few of the factors that cause serious welfare issues in the broiler industry.


In the wild, chickens live in small flocks, often with their own chicks. But broiler chicken sheds look very different. These facilities often accommodate tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of birds in every shed. Chickens are kept in such high concentrations that each bird only has as much space as a single piece of lined paper on which to live her entire life. Being crowded so tightly inhibits their movements, preventing them from getting proper exercise. Since they're often trampled by other birds while lying down, they don't even get the opportunity to rest.


Broiler chickens are transported twice in their lives: once as chicks, when they are transferred from hatcheries to grow-out barns, and finally from barns to the slaughterhouse at around 47 days old. Transport crates are about the size of large desk drawers, and they don't give birds enough space to be transported comfortably or safely.

Transportation is known to be a significant source of stress for birds at both stages of their lives. A traumatic experience en route to the grow-out barn—marred by thirst, hunger, and/or uncomfortable temperatures—can result in hindered growth and increased risk of illness as birds continue to grow. The crowded, cramped conditions of transport crates are only made worse by the psychological stress of a foreign environment.


Among the most common techniques used to kill broiler chickens is live-shackle slaughter—notorious for being the greatest cause of animal suffering in slaughterhouses. Birds are hung upside down and their legs are locked into metal clamps, which often results in broken bones. A conveyor belt then dunks them into an electrified bath of water meant to stun the birds before their throats are slit, and their bodies are thrown into a scalding bath to remove their feathers.

Many birds remain conscious for the later stages of slaughter.

Many birds manage to avoid the electrified bath or are not entirely stunned by it, meaning they remain conscious for the later stages of slaughter.

Bird health issues

Many health issues that arise in broiler chickens originate from the selective breeding process, during which certain breeds of chickens are selected and bred to grow unnaturally fast. While rapid growth might be ideal for companies’ production schedules and profits, it causes a host of painful and debilitating conditions for broiler chickens.

The Better Chicken Commitment encourages companies to commit to purchasing chickens from suppliers that do not make use of rapid-growth breeds. More than 185 companies have signed the commitment so far.

Cardiovascular dysfunction

Broiler chickens are particularly prone to cardiovascular dysfunction, including heart failure. Sudden death syndrome and ascites syndrome are the most common heart conditions within conventional broiler flocks. Heart dysfunction is largely prevalent due to rapid growth and selective breeding, as well as overeating, which is encouraged since larger birds bring in more money for companies. Heart arrhythmias can also be caused by a number of factors, including stress or other diseases.

Skeletal dysfunction

The skeletons of conventional broiler chickens can cause many painful conditions. Within rapid growth breeds, the bird’s body puts on more flesh weight faster than the skeleton can accommodate, resulting in health problems such as angular bone deformities. These deformities begin to develop in chicks as young as 6 days old and prevent them from reaching food or water, leading to prolonged death by starvation.

The selective breeding of broiler chickens puts an unnatural strain on their skeletal systems.

The selective breeding of broiler chickens to grow larger breasts also puts an unnatural strain on their skeletal systems. The heavier weight of breast muscles, and overall larger body weight, can put stress on the legs and cause tibial dyschondroplasia, leading to lameness.

Integument lesions

Lesions tend to form on the breasts, feet, and the hock (ankle joint). These painful lumps and sores, called integument lesions, are the result of chickens coming into prolonged contact with their own feces, which are very high in ammonia.

Integument lesions also form because of a lack of physical activity, which is caused by overcrowding. Chickens’ inability to move around often leads to other physical deformities, such as skeletal lameness, which further restrict the birds’ activity.

Environmental issues

Chicken waste is a primary culprit when it comes to environmental pollution from poultry factories. The waste generates harmful greenhouse gas emissions, most notably ammonia, methane, and sulfur dioxide. Factory farms also cause water pollution, including eutrophication—which occurs when a high load of nutrients decreases oxygen levels in a body of water, resulting in the mass death of marine life—and acidification.


Ammonia is a toxic gas generated by waste that can cause serious illnesses for birds and farmworkers alike. On factory farms, broiler chickens develop ammonia lesions when they come into frequent contact with their own waste—something that happens frequently given the crowded conditions. Burns to the skin are common in factory farmed chickens. They lie for long periods due to lameness or lack of space. Their bedding is covered with their feces, as it is never changed. If it gets too wet, ammonia levels can get very high. This causes painful sores on the bird’s breast, legs and foot pads, often known as breast blisters, hock burns and foot pad dermatitis. Fast-growing breeds are more prone to these conditions as they rest for longer periods because of their poor leg health and overly large breast muscle.

Additionally, when inhaled, high concentrations of ammonia can cause inflammation in birds and farmworkers, and it has been shown to impair metabolism, induce cell apoptosis, and cause mitochondrial damage to the intestinal tract.

Production and consumption statistics

Below are some striking statistics about the production of broiler chickens in the US.

  • In 2021 alone, 9.2 billion broiler chickens were slaughtered.
  • In March of 2019, the average slaughter weight of a chicken in the US was 6.2 pounds. In the 1920s, average slaughter weight was just 2.5 pounds.
  • There are over 500,000 birds housed on a typical factory farm.
  • Americans consume about 96.5 pounds of chicken per capita.


So many of the hardships broiler chickens endure are obscured from public knowledge, because the pressure to improve animal welfare always comes at a cost for factory farming corporations. But change is necessary to reduce the harms inflicted on these birds by conventional farming practices. Hopefully, businesses will continue to recognize this by signing the Better Chicken Commitment—because broiler chickens, like all animals, deserve better.