The Humane League worked with both companies on accelerating their cage-free egg fulfillment timeline across their combined 18,786 U.S. locations

January 11, 2023 — New York, NY — The Humane League, a global nonprofit organization that exists to end the abuse of animals raised for food, announces a significant milestone around its animal welfare accountability work on cage-free commitments with CVS and Walgreens which resulted in the retailers fulfilling their commitments to source 100% cage-free eggs nationally three years ahead of schedule. CVS, which has 9,900 stores and is the eighth-largest retailer in the U.S., fulfilled its commitment in December 2022, and Walgreens, which has 8,886 stores and is the sixth-largest retailer in the U.S., fulfilled its commitment this month.
“These accelerated cage-free fulfillments by Walgreens and CVS are precedent-setting for the retail industry and prove there’s no reason other companies can’t, at the very least, meet their 2025 commitments to go cage-free,” said Tim Sage, Corporate Relations Specialist at The Humane League. “By demonstrating a commitment to the ethical and humane treatment of animals in their supply chains, these retail leaders are acknowledging that confining hens in cages is inhumane and unacceptable.”
As consumers become increasingly aware of the inhumane conditions faced by chickens in cramped, filthy cages — with no more room than the space of an iPad — their demand for cage-free eggs continues to grow. Through the hard work and persistence of The Humane League, 2,300 companies have announced cage-free commitments and an estimated 70.1 million egg-laying hens in the US will finally be able to spread their wings and stand on solid ground. For more information and to take action against the use of battery cages, visit