On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, you can make a difference for the animals and the planet.

Right now, you’re likely experiencing many changes in your life. Changes that affect your health and daily routine. As you shift focus to prioritize your health, it’s time to make the connection between our health and the health of the planet. This Earth Day, advocating for our planet and every living being is more important this year than ever.
Now is the time to rally (virtually) to support one another—and our world—on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. This year, in partnership with Earth Day Network, a nonprofit that fights for environmental protection and conservation all over the world, we’re connecting the dots between animal agriculture and the state of our planet.
Factory farming—the intensive and abusive farming of animals for food—is causing many problems for our world. It’s estimated that 75 percent of all water-quality issues in the US stem from animal agriculture. Increased levels of animal waste from factory farms can end up in our water supplies, which is a serious hazard to public health. Animal agriculture is also responsible for 14.5 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, which is more than the exhaust of all transportation combined. On top of that, animals are being abused and killed at an alarming rate.
This isn’t how we should treat the Earth or its inhabitants. This isn’t sustainable. This year, together, we will be the change.
This Earth Week, will you take simple online actions to create positive change in a world that desperately needs it?
How Can I Get Involved?
It’s easy to take action this Earth Week, starting with these three simple (and fun) activities—all from the comfort and safety of your home!
1. Take part in a virtual protest During Earth Week, create your own Earth Day protest sign and post pictures of yourself holding it on your favorite social media platforms. Tag @thehumaneleague and use the hashtags #EarthDay2020 and #ForThePlanet to spread the message far and wide!
Bonus: The more hashtags, the better! We suggest adding #ForTheAnimals, #EarthDay50, and #EarthDayEveryDay to help even more Earth Day activists find you.
In the spirit of Earth Week, use recycled and reused materials to create your sign. Get creative! Use cardboard boxes, food boxes, or scrap pieces of paper. Or, go digital and use tools like Canva.
Need some protest sign inspiration? Here are some ideas:
- “Plant-Based for the Planet”
- “Less Meat = Less Heat”
- “Change What You Eat, Change The World”
- “Less meat, eggs, and dairy = less pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and deforestation”
- “Fight climate change with diet change”
- “For The Animals, For The Planet”
- “Leave animals off your plates—for animals, for your health, and for the planet”
Submit pictures of yourself with your protest sign on the THL Changemakers Facebook Page. Please sign the Photo Release Form so we can share your photo too!
2. Spread the message on social media In addition to taking part in our virtual protest, like and share our content and events across Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to take our shared mission to the masses!
The more people that you share your Earth Week actions with, the more your impact grows. Tag The Humane League (@thehumaneleague) in your personalized posts and add the hashtags #ForTheAnimals, #ForThePlanet, #EarthDay2020, #EarthDay50, or #EarthDayEveryDay.
3. Write a Letter to the Editor If you’re up for another high-impact action this Earth Week, submit a Letter to the Editor to your local print and online newspapers.
We promise—it’s not as intimidating as it might sound. Our Letter to the Editor Guide offers tips on how to write an impactful letter. Remember to mention The Humane League and provide reasons for people to try eating veg this Earth Week!
While you’re at it…
Take some time to reward yourself for all your impactful work, while putting some of your plant-based priorities into play. Here are some tasty veg recipes to get you started:
- Veggie Burger with Crispy Potatoes
- Everything Buffalo Cauliflower Bites
- The Cheesiest Cheese Sauce Ever
- Pasta with Marinara Sauce
Hungry for seconds? Sign up for Eating Veg to download a free plant-based cookbook!
Thank you for taking part in the monumental 50th anniversary of Earth Day during these uncertain times! Our world is hurting, and it is up to us, together, to be the change.