CKE-owned restaurant reports 40% towards goal to remove hens from cages in egg supply chain

The Humane League (THL), a global nonprofit working to end the abuse of animals raised for food, announces that Hardee’s, owned by CKE Restaurants, has made progress on its public commitment to source exclusively cage-free eggs, following a consumer-driven petition with over 35,000 signatures and a campaign by The Humane League. In the U.S., Hardee’s has reached more than 40% cage-free egg sourcing, impacting an estimated 345,000 hens, with plans for further expansion to achieve 100% cage-free by 2025. Outside the US, 5% of its egg volume is cage-free. CKE recently reported that it now sources 100% cage-free eggs for all Carl’s Jr. locations in the U.S. This cage-free progress by CKE will benefit approximately 1.3 million hens worldwide who will no longer suffer in cages when its brands go 100% cage-free.
“Today’s announcement represents a milestone for animals. It shows the importance of responsible sourcing in our food industry and is a victory for consumers who have demanded transparency around the food they purchase,” says Jenny David-Boyd, Senior Campaigns Lead at The Humane League. “This continued progress by CKE not only marks meaningful change for over a million hens but also reflects that companies of all sizes across the food industry are delivering on their cage-free promises. Yet laggards like Subway and Chick-fil-A are falling further behind by refusing to disclose their cage-free progress to consumers. With cage-free deadlines approaching, transparency is more crucial than ever."
“We are working toward our goal with the Hardee’s system, and currently have converted more than 40% of the brand’s supply to cage-free eggs. Our commitment continues to stay firm, and we are resolute to a cage-free egg supply by the end of 2025 in all our domestic and international restaurants,” reads a statement from Beth Gerstenberger, director of communications, CKE Restaurants.
While CKE’s announcement is a crucial step forward, THL continues to push for full transparency and accountability across the food industry. This campaign’s success highlights the power of consumer impact and reinforces the need for full transparency and accountability as companies work toward their 2025 cage-free deadlines.
Caged systems cause severe stress, reproductive issues, and poor bone health in egg-laying hens. As consumer awareness grows alongside more legislative bans and corporate commitments, cage-free practices are the new industry standard. To learn more about The Humane League’s global efforts to end cages, visit