The Open Wing Alliance Applauds Jollibee Foods Corporation For Prioritizing Animal Welfare, Announcing Commitment To Source Cage-Free Eggs From Supply Chains Globally
The largest and fastest-growing Asian restaurant company in the world, Jollibee’s cage-free egg commitment will positively impact millions of hens worldwide.

(September 28, 2023) — Today, the Open Wing Alliance (OWA), an international coalition working to end the abuse of chickens worldwide, announces a victory in their worldwide campaign to persuade Jollibee to publish a global cage-free egg commitment. After months of campaigning globally by the coalition, Jollibee pledges to transition to 100% cage-free eggs in the US by 2025 and 100% cage-free eggs by 2035 globally. This decision will positively impact millions of hens worldwide, as Jollibee Foods Corporation's cage-free egg commitment will set a new standard in animal welfare and encourage other global food companies to follow suit.
"We are thrilled to see Jollibee’s commitment to animal welfare and cage-free eggs. This decision is an essential step towards creating a more humane food system and improving the lives of millions of hens," said Caitlin Campbell, Global Campaigns Coordinator at the Open Wing Alliance. "The Open Wing Alliance recognizes Jollibee's pledge and hopes that this decision will encourage Zensho Holdings to prioritize animal welfare in its supply chain.”
To date, over 2,500 major food corporations—including 146 of the largest multinational corporations like KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Papa John’s, Burger King, Popeye’s, Krispy Kreme, Nestlé, Aldi, and Kraft Heinz—have announced 100% cage-free egg commitments.
Caged systems promote stress, reproductive disease, and poor bone health in egg-laying hens. For more information about The Open Wing Alliance, visit Follow along with the cage-free movement on Twitter @GlobalCageFree.