Renowned fine dining restaurant group responds to consumer requests for transparency

Today, Lai Sun Dining, a renowned restaurant group headquartered in Hong Kong, publicly announces promising progress towards its animal welfare commitment to source 100% cage-free eggs for all of its regions. Following public consumer pressure for corporate transparency and responsible sourcing, Lai Sun Dining has disclosed that it sources 90% of its eggs and egg products from cage-free suppliers (including shell, liquid, frozen, and ingredient eggs).
This announcement comes just one month after the launch of a global consumer-driven campaign led by the Open Wing Alliance (OWA), a coalition of 95 organizations across 75 countries. In 2022, Lai Sun Dining promised consumers that they’d source exclusively cage-free eggs globally by the end of 2023. Although this deadline was missed, Lai Sun Dining has made impressive progress with a 90% fulfillment rate and new deadline of 2026, , as consumers all over the world spoke up to request visibility into their progress towards that animal welfare policy.
“Renowned around the world for its fine dining establishments, it’s important for patrons to trust that Lai Sun Dining takes its animal welfare policies seriously. Each year, the restaurant group serves an estimated 2 million eggs raised by approximately 7,000 hens in its global supply chain,” says Hannah Surowinski, Sr. Associate Director of Global Corporate Relations, The Open Wing Alliance. “By making this progress and reporting on it publicly, Lai Sun Dining will only continue to instill trust in its consumers who desire responsible food sourcing. As the Foul Food campaign continues around the world, consumers urge companies like Norwegian Cruise Line to take the same level of accountability and care.”
The Open Wing Alliance has secured more than 2,620 cage-free commitments from corporations around the world—168 of which encompass the entirety of a company’s global supply chain like Lai Sun Dining. The company was featured in a recent report, Fair and Fowl: Global Companies Edition, which ranks these companies with global commitments, addressing the urgent need for corporate transparency as the majority of companies approach their self-imposed deadlines to implement higher animal welfare for egg-laying hens.
According to recent research by the OWA, 89% of all corporations with commitment deadlines of 2023 or earlier have successfully removed cages from their egg supply chains, which includes about 1,200 food companies. With the remaining majority of commitments due in 2025 or 2026, it’s critical that companies are transparent about their progress and establish a glide path to reach their goals.
To take action for animals, visit For more information about The Open Wing Alliance, visit Join the cage-free movement on X @GlobalCageFree.