Thank you, for being by our side.

As an essential supporter of The Humane League (THL), you know that we are highly focused on being effective stewards of the resources you generously give. As such, we regularly assess our strategies, tactics, and the unique value that we provide as an organization: creating lasting institutional change for animals through corporate and public policy campaigns.
We have some strategic changes to share that support our intention to strengthen global work through the Open Wing Alliance, and rely less on regional entities. Through our experience and reflection, we believe that continuing to empower and strengthen the movement through non-affiliated regional organizations is the most effective way to create the change we want to see for farmed animals.
As such, over the past year, THL Japan has been assessing how it can have the greatest impact in Japan and Asia. After building out a longer-term strategy toward a cage-free Japan, their team was clear that they needed to become a new, separate organization, unaffiliated with THL.
While over 170 cage-free commitments currently exist in Japan—thanks in large part to the THL Japan team—to make more progress within the Japanese cultural norms, they determined that they need to reassure companies that they will not wage a pressure campaign against them to make cage-free commitments. Instead they will work collaboratively with companies to make progress on their commitments and to get new corporate cage-free commitments.
The movement in Japan is growing, and the fight for animals does not end here. Those who made up the team remain steadfast in their commitment to advocate for animals. We will continue to work for animals, until the abuse of animals raised for food ceases to exist. As part of the Open Wing Alliance, THL will continue waging hard-hitting campaigns and tapping into the force of the alliance to pressure companies in Asia to commit to going cage-free.
Thank you for your partnership and support.