The Humane League Has Been Named Top Charity of 2018


THL is the only organization to earn this distinction every rating period.

Black and white spotted cow

The Humane League is honored to have once again earned Top Charity status from Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE), an independent research organization that assesses the effectiveness and impact of nonprofits working to improve the lives of animals. We are proud to be the only animal protection group to have received this distinction for every rating period.

THL's most significant advantage is not any single program, but rather their general approach to advocacy. Among animal advocacy organizations, THL makes particularly strong efforts to assess their own programs and to look for and test ways to improve them. Their success in their corporate campaigns, and the publication of their research through Humane League Labs (HLL), has shifted the outlook and programming of several other advocacy organizations toward finding the best ways to advocate for animals. -Animal Charity Evaluators, 2018

In their 2018 review, ACE notes that The Humane League's corporate campaigns are a strong point, and it highlights our organizational priority of collaborating with other groups to share knowledge about successful strategies. If you've been following THL this year, you likely know that collaboration has been one of the key aspects of our I'm Not Lovin' It campaign. It's also the foundation upon which we built the Open Wing Alliance, a global coalition of animal protection groups that are securing wins for farm animals around the world.

ACE has also identified THL as being highly effective when it comes to capacity building, thanks to our work in growing the size of the animal rights movement, while increasing the skills and effectiveness of those involved.

In its recommendation, ACE notes,

Another way in which THL builds the capacity of the movement is by recruiting, mobilizing and training activists.Through outreach events, education, protests, and work parties, THL works to help build effective animal advocacy skills among activists to strengthen the capacity of the movement. THL also trains advocates through their National Volunteer Program as well as on college campuses through their Campus Outreach Program. The National Volunteer Program allows them to train and support remote activists, who can then be more effectively mobilized in areas where THL doesn't have staff. The Campus Outreach Program provides training and leadership development for college students with a goal of helping them create self-sustaining animal advocacy clubs on campus. Since these student activists may develop valuable skills and continue working in the animal advocacy movement in the long term, we believe that campus organizing is a potentially high-impact intervention.

There's no doubt that The Humane League is making a global difference for animals, and that our power to be the change is only continuing to grow. Of course, none of this would be possible without the partnership of supporters like you. Thank you for standing by our side as we relentlessly work—together—to end the abuse of animals raised for food.

To read the full ACE review, visit their site.