A picture says a thousand words—and a talking picture can say many more! Movies that explore vegan issues and themes are a powerful way to learn and be inspired about veganism. In this article, we'll break down some of the best vegan movies.

There’s something magical about art’s power to change the world. A movie can teach us things we don’t know, open our eyes to different perspectives, make us laugh or make us cry. Some movies use all of these tools to inspire and spread a message of compassion for animals and inspire audiences to try veganism. In this article, we’ll break down just why movies offer a powerful opportunity to share knowledge and support around veganism, as well as giving you a guide to some of the best vegan movies and where you can watch them!
Why do movies make people go vegan?
Movies tell a story. Whether it's a documentary or a fictional narrative, movies have the ability to stir our emotions, make us think, encourage us to explore different positions, and change our minds. A good story, well-told, is powerful.
As a result, movies that draw on vegan themes, issues and ideas often have the result of making people explore veganism as an option in their personal life. For example, the film Okja (Bong Joon-ho, 2017) presents what the New York Times called "a clear and effective animal rights fable, or at least a protest against factory farming and genetic engineering." Even though the animal at the heart of Okja was a fantasy creature, the allegory it drew was all too real, and it inspired many people to consider going vegan in real life. GLOW actor Kate Nash was just one amongst many new vegans who credited Okja as part of their inspiration: "I decided to go vegan after watching Okja with my dog," she explained on her Instagram.
For other people, watching a documentary that reveals until then unknown facts about the state of the meat industry, factory farming and more might make them decide to go vegan. Education is a great way to learn more about why veganism is an important and impactful choice to make, and a documentary provides this education—often in an entertaining way! For example, Seaspiracy is a 2021 Netflix Original documentary which explores the environmental impact of fishing and it made a massive impression on many viewers. The BBC reported that many "viewers have been saying they will no longer eat fish after watching the film, and expressed shock at the industrial scale of fishing."
Whether it's by educating, evoking emotion, or simply telling a very good story, movies have the power to make someone decide to go vegan!
What movie makes people go vegan?
There are many different vegan movies that have inspired different viewers to go vegan. Ultimately, it depends upon the individual and what moves them to make change.
Perhaps you are someone who responds more to fictional stories—in which case a movie like Fast Food Nation (a 2006 comedy-drama starring Greg Kinnear and Paul Dano) might rouse your disgust with the fast food industry and tempt you to consider vegan options. If you love an uplifting true story, you’d be inspired by the stories of vegan athletes in 2018 documentary The Game Changers. Or maybe hard facts about the upsetting true story behind factory farming’s impact on animal welfare and the environment are the way to get to your heart. A hard-hitting documentary like 2014’s Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret could get you to take the plunge!
Whatever you most respond to, one thing is sure: there are lots of different vegan movies and movies with vegan messages out there. Whether you’re a long-term proud vegan, considering making a lifestyle change or someone who has never thought about veganism very much at all, there’s sure to be a movie out there that will make an impact on you.
Vegan movies & movies with vegan messages
Let’s break down a few of the most popular and interesting vegan movies out there and find something you’d like to see!
Vegan movies on Netflix
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014)
Directed by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, this documentary explores the heavy environmental cost of factory farming. Originally crowdfunded on Indiegogo, the documentary garnered so much praise and interest that it got the attention of executive producer Leonardo DiCaprio, who helped bring the full-length film to Netflix. And if you enjoyed it, good news: the same team created the 2017 documentary What The Health, also available on Netflix, which advocates for a vegan diet by critiquing the impact that meat, fish, eggs and dairy have on our health.
The Game Changers (2018)
There are a lot of myths out there about vegans, including that it's not a "natural" or "healthy" diet for humans. The Game Changers is a documentary that challenges that thinking by telling the stories of vegan athletes who are hugely successful in a range of different fields, including martial arts, weightlifting, cycling and more. It interviews athletes, scientists, nutritionists and other experts in the field to reveal why eating animal protein is, in fact, not necessary at all to be at the top of your game.
Okja (2017)
On the surface, Okja is a very simple and charming story: a young girl and her fantasy super-pig. But with its star-studded cast (Tilda Swinton, Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano, Steven Yeun), an Oscar-award winning director (Bong Joon-ho) and a gripping story that blends comedy, drama and action, Okja is one of the most beloved vegan films ever. Its impact has been huge, both in the clever and challenging way it brings across its pro-animal welfare message and in its innovative storytelling. The New York Times called it one of the most influential films of its decade.
Seaspiracy (2021)
A controversial documentary that has been challenged for some of its statements, Seaspiracy nevertheless provides a powerful look at the damage the fishing industry inflicts on the environment. Created by British filmmaker Ali Tabrizi, Seaspiracy shows Tabrizi on a journey as he grapples with overfishing, environmental damage and the collapse of whale, shark, dolphin and sea turtle populations. Though certain elements of the documentary have been fact-checked, it still draws critical attention to the issues affecting our oceans.
Blackfish (2013)
This documentary turns its attention from vegan diets to some other important vegan principles: namely, not participating in the exploitation and harm of any animal, whether we eat them or not. Blackfish tells the story of Tilikum, an orca held at SeaWorld, whose captivity led to psychological damage and his involvement in the deaths of three people. The documentary had a massive impact, showing the power of a vegan story that people respond to: it resulted in stark drops in attendance and revenue at SeaWorld and the eventual end of killer-whale shows at its theme parks.
David Attenborough: Life on our Planet (2020)
David Attenborough is a British national treasure, beloved for his wildlife broadcasting and natural history, but he usually leaves politics out of his work. In this Netflix documentary, however, he shares his own concern for the damaging impact humans have on our shared planet. Attenborough offers insights into a lifetime of documenting the planet, in which he has witnessed wildlife decline, environmental damage, and the rapid rise of climate change. The documentary discusses a range of important actions we can take to act against the destruction of our planet, including investing in renewable energy and changing our diets to reduce or eliminate meat consumption.
Vegan movies on Amazon Prime
Food, Inc. (2009)
This documentary goes after the damage inherent in our current system of food production. It explores the impact of the rise of fast food in the 1950s, allowing a few multinational companies to arise and take control of global food production. The exponential growth of industrial agriculture had devastating results for animals, workers, consumers and the environment. The incisive documentary was very well-received: It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature and the Independent Spirit Award for Best Documentary Feature. Excitingly, a sequel is in the works and is expected for a 2023 release!
Fast Food Nation (2006)
Based on a bestselling non-fiction novel by journalist Eric Schlosser and directed by Academy Award-nominated Richard Linklater, Fast Food Nation is a comedy-drama which exposes the secrets behind the fast food industry. The film tells the story of Don, a marketing executive for a national burger chain (played by Greg Kinnear) who has to investigate a rumor that cow manure is contaminating the meat in the chain’s top-selling hamburger. As Don spirals down the rabbit hole, he discovers inhumane slaughterhouses, exploited workers and all the ugly truths of fast food and factory farming.
Eating Our Way to Extinction (2021)
Narrated by Kate Winslet, Eating Our Way to Extinction travels around the world to explore the harm done to Indigenous communities, animals, ecosystems and the planet by our current food production system. The film pushes the power of individual choice, showcasing the positive impact that avoiding meat, fish, dairy, and eggs can have on our environment. Viewers come away with the message that we can all make a difference every time we choose not to eat animal products.
Living Vegan (2020)
Every vegan is different, and this documentary celebrates those differences! Living Vegan explores the lives of five very different people who follow a vegan lifestyle to break stereotypes and show how exciting, fulfilling and inspiring the vegan lifestyle can be. It offers insights into the daily lives of each vegan on the show, as well as sharing their stories and exploring how they came to embrace veganism. Plus, you'll get some delicious plant-based recipe inspiration!
Best documentaries on veganism
As you can see, many of the best films made about veganism are documentaries! Documentaries offer a unique chance to share important information and reveal mistruths and misconceptions about veganism, so many filmmakers who want to share a vegan story opt to make a documentary.
The good news is that there’s a documentary on almost any topic you can think of! If you’re more interested in the harmful impact that fast food has on our health, try 2004’s Super Size Me. If climate change is your particular area of interest, try 2016’s Before The Flood starring Leonardo DiCaprio. If you’re passionate about animal welfare, watch 2005’s Earthlings, of which the narrator Joaquin Phoenix later said, “Of all the films I have ever made, this is the one that gets people talking the most. For every one person who sees Earthlings, they will tell three.”
Get active for animals
Ready to take your interest in veganism from the screen to the real world? Come volunteer for The Humane League! You can bring your own changemaker energy and have a huge impact on animal welfare, environmental protection and more. Plus, we host regular vegan movie nights!