New decade, new you! The best way to start? Commit yourself, your friends, and your family to the best in personal and planetary health, all by taking the Veganuary Pledge this January.

There are many reasons to go vegan. From ensuring better lives for animals raised for food, to protecting the environment, to achieving better personal health and energy. Why not choose to go veg this Veganuary?
Each January, our friends at Veganuary ask people to leave animals off their plates for 31 days. That’s right. No meat, no dairy, no eggs. No animal-derived products for the entire month. Sound challenging? Don’t worry, we’re here to help you, your friends, and your family eat well and do good for the entire month and beyond.
Vegan + January = Veganuary
Last year, over 250,000 people across 190 countries committed to Veganuary’s 31-day pledge, many of whom kept their commitment throughout 2019. In fact, last year 47% of Veganuary’s survey respondents said they would strive to remain vegan beyond January.
By taking the Veganuary pledge in 2020, you’ll be contributing to more than you think, including:
Happier and longer lives for animals
Animals are capable of living rich, emotional lives—and we don’t just mean your dog and your cat. Animals traditionally raised for food—including cows, pigs, turkeys, and chickens—feel happiness, joy, love, loss, and pain. Sentient. Just like us humans.
If you agree that social cows, intelligent pigs, playful turkeys, or inquisitive chickens should be allowed to live full and happy lives, we encourage you to join us for Veganuary this upcoming year!
A healthier environment for all
According to Oxford University, going vegan is the best way you can reduce your environmental impact on a personal level. A whopping 14.5% of human-generated greenhouse gas emissions come from farmed animals, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Removing meat and animal products from your diet can reduce air and water pollution, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and prevent deforestation, just to name a few.
Case in point: This past summer, much of the world watched in horror as our news feeds lit up with images of the Amazon rainforest being decimated by forest fires. And with cattle ranching being the number one driver of rainforest destruction, making the connection between our consumption of animals and the environmental impact is more critical than ever.
Will you commit to reducing your environmental footprint through your dietary decisions in the new year?
Better personal health and nutrition
Going vegan is bigger than just a personal choice, but that doesn’t mean your health isn’t likely to benefit from the switch. In fact, 63% of 2019’s Veganuary pledgers who responded to the survey reported their health improved in the month of January alone. It’s likely that you too will discover health benefits in more ways than you might think.
Naturally, committing to better personal health is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. According to a survey by Inc., the number one resolution by far is to eat healthier, with 71% of survey respondents choosing this commitment. What better way to make room for nutritious fruits and vegetables on your dinner plate than by leaving off meat and all animal products?
Will you pledge to go veg this January?
We encourage you to join The Humane League this January by committing to Veganuary’s 31-day pledge to leave animals off our plates. As you pledge to go veg, remember to share this post on your social media and tell us why you're committing to Veganuary this January! Already veg? Share this with your family and friends—better yet, sign up to volunteer on the campaign!
Ready to commit to better personal health, environmental responsibility, and happier lives for animals? Sign up for the Veganuary Pledge here!