A message about COVID-19 from The Humane League

The world is in the grips of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's an unsettling time. In the midst of it all, we are sending you and your loved ones the very best and healthiest of wishes. We are all in this together.
At The Humane League, we will continue to work tirelessly to end the abuse of animals raised for food, while also taking precautions to ensure the health and well-being of our employees, volunteers, supporters, and global community. To that end, The Humane League has taken the following steps:
We’ve canceled all public events hosted by our employees and volunteers, including in-person socials, meetups, protests, and events at which we had planned a presence, until April 30th. Instead, we will be hosting virtual meetups and offering up ever more digital actions you can take, for the animals and our world, during this time.
The 2020 Open Wing Alliance Global Summit to End Cages (organized by The Humane League, and previously scheduled for May 26-29 in Warsaw, Poland) will now be hosted virtually.
For our employees, we’ve restricted all business travel until April 30th.
As always, our employees are working remotely and collaborating across the globe to maximize our impact for animals.
Naturally, we are continuing to closely monitor the situation and will react, extend timelines, and provide updates accordingly.
Please take this time to stay safe and care for your health and those who may need extra support.
Thank you for all you do for the animals, and others.