What Are Broiler Chickens and How Long Do They Live?
Broiler chickens are chickens raised for meat. On factory farms, they’re usually slaughtered when they’re just 6-7 weeks old.
Broiler chickens are chickens raised for meat. On factory farms, they’re usually slaughtered when they’re just 6-7 weeks old.
Chickens laying eggs have been part of human lives for centuries—they were domesticated over 7,000 years ago! But how does the egg production process actually work? And how has factory farming twisted a natural process?
Food Justice
Huge factory farms are mistreating animals, polluting the air and water, and making us all sick.
A Bentley University graduate challenges Stop & Shop’s president to honor his alma mater's values—and his company's promise to hens.
How do advocates cope with the loss of farmed animals?
DC community members unite to hold corporations accountable for pledges to animals.
Discover eight shocking facts that reveal the hidden realities of our global food and farming systems.
Food Justice
Though critics argue that advocating for animal welfare only cements animals’ exploitation in laboratories, on farms, and in other industrial situations, strengthening welfare standards makes these animals' lives more bearable.
Let's get to the root of this question.
As octopuses win well-deserved protections, fishes should be the next frontier of the aquatic animal welfare movement.
In honor of National Supermarket Employee Day, grocery executives received an unexpected delivery: “Bad Egg Awards” calling out their failure to keep promises to hens and customers.
Farmers are looking to transition from raising animals to raising crops.
Projections exposed Stop & Shop executives’ failure to act on animal welfare promises, turning store walls into a billboard for change.
Here’s why eggs should be responsibly sourced.
Animal rights advocates believe that non-human animals should be free to live as they wish, without being used, exploited, or otherwise interfered with by humans.
If Walmart follows through on its new policy, it could transform how the egg industry treats its most vulnerable victims: newborn male chicks.
We know that many animals create strong bonds with each other, and with humans. But do chickens?
With so many options, we look at what the most eco-friendly options are for milk.
Don’t let marketing schemes or tricky labels fool you.
In honor of Valentine’s Day—and countless suffering factory-farmed animals—animal lovers told Ahold Delhaize to stop breaking their hearts.
Tasting Table includes The Humane League in its article about Crumbl’s controversies.
Dessert manufacturing company Reina Group fulfills its 100% global cage-free goal.
The influential restaurant chain reinstates its cage-free policy after years of silence.
From initial disbelief to passionate demands for Giant to do better, here are five ways customers responded to the truth about battery cages.
Perspectives from famous figures throughout history who gave voice to the voiceless.
Every single day, a staggering 200 million land animals—cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, turkeys, and ducks—arrive at slaughterhouses. None go willingly, and none leave alive or intact.
The egg industry explained.
Last year, the Open Wing Alliance made a massive impact for the global animal welfare movement.
Chickens are stuffed into wire cages that are just a few feet wide and 15 inches tall. These birds can't even spread their wings without hitting the cage or another chicken.
Where do our favorite game-day foods all come from?
Food Justice
Discover—and marvel at—what the Animal Policy Alliance accomplished for the animals in 2024.
Big red barns? An idyllic countryside? What about the terrified animals?
Our Movement
Washington state just banned underwater factory farms, protecting millions of fish and local waters from industrial aquaculture.
Our Movement
If you want to help animals, you’re in the right place. Get inspired, and get active.
Learn more about the county’s exciting new food purchasing policy.
This is what animal farming looks like in faraway worlds—and what it says about them.
Around the world, a vast majority of eggs come from hens who are trapped in tiny battery cages. But, due to growing demand for cage-free eggs, less hens have to suffer through this intensive confinement.
Grocery retailer Ahold Delhaize (Food Lion, The Giant Company, Giant Food, Stop & Shop, and Hannaford) must follow through on its promise to its customers, and suffering animals in its supply chain.
UK courts say it’s criminal to farm harmful breeds. This is a historic victory for animals.
Our NYC Organizer reflects on the NYC Changemaker community
Food Justice
Farmed animals are not the only victims of factory farming’s cruelty.
These actors, chefs, and authors all have one thing in common: their compassion for animals. Here are some of their quotes to leave you feeling inspired.
By putting animal welfare in its national constitution, Mexico leads the way in legal protections for farmed animals.
To celebrate the important work of animal sanctuaries, we put together five of our favorite heartwarming farmed animal reels.
Veganism aims to reduce animal suffering and advocate for a more compassionate world by avoiding products made from animals.
Choosing to go plant-based can be one of the best things you do for animals, for your health, and for the environment. And we’re here to help you do it.
Monday blues work hard—but cute animal photos work harder. We’ve compiled some of our favorite photos of animals living their best lives!
Want to make a real difference for animals in 2025? Check out this list of effective actions!
Food Justice
It’s time to recognize that human health is inextricably connected to the health of animals and our planet.
This groundbreaking technology is a promising step toward a kinder future.
Food Justice
Milk with a side of bird flu? Hard pass.
Tracking the number of hens spared from cages is complicated. Here’s a look at some of the complexities.
Factory farming is an intersectional issue that affects us all. Here’s why.
In the fantastic worlds of Studio Ghibli’s master storyteller Hayao Miyazaki, pigs are parents, gods, and—yep—fighter pilots.
Soy critics have picked the wrong food to target
We were named one of the most effective charities for reducing animal suffering. Here's why.
When a food company pledges to source only cage-free eggs in its supply chain, that’s cause for celebration. But when those promises are not met, every unfulfilled pledge means continued suffering for countless chickens. And that cruelty cannot continue.
Chickens, cows, pigs, and other animals raised for food are collectively called farm animals. But it's a misleading term that belies their reality—they are farmed animals.
Rotisserie chickens contain some less-than-healthy ingredients—and there’s a dark truth behind that cheap price tag.
This is the tipping point we’ve been working towards.
Advocates protest at Crumbl headquarters to protect animals in its supply chain.
A billboard—down the road from Crumbl’s headquarters—advertises Crumbl’s animal cruelty scandal.
For Media
Renowned fine dining restaurant group responds to consumer requests for transparency
Foie gras has long been considered a delicacy in gourmet cuisine. Now, consumers, restaurants, and local governments are opening their eyes to the un-delicate truth behind this infamous dish.
The largest egg purchaser in Japan committed to reduce the suffering of millions of hens worldwide.
A Crumbl store opening in Portland exposes the company’s outdated sourcing practices.
For the eleventh year in a row, Animal Charity Evaluators has recognized The Humane League as a recommended charity.
It’s a well-known fact that billions of cows, pigs, and chickens suffer in our food system. But the reach of intensive animal agriculture stretches far beyond the walls of factory farms.
Crumbl Cookies is the fastest-growing cookie chain in the US. But its co-founders are not championing cruelty-free ingredients. Far from it.
CKE Restaurants reveals an estimated 845,000 more hens are now out of cages.
For Media
CKE-owned restaurant reports 40% towards goal to remove hens from cages in egg supply chain
Your next trip or vacation can be fun, animal-friendly, and an opportunity to meet and support rescued farmed animals.
Beautifully braided—and perfect for sharing.
Many companies are easing the suffering of animals in their supply chains. Why isn’t Crumbl doing the same?
For Media
Viral Cookie Company Faces Backlash from Over 50K Consumers in New Campaign
Animal-friendly storylines, characters, and media figures have evolved in the last few decades. Read on to find out which ones made an impression.
What are hot dogs made of? Underneath the ketchup, mustard, or relish, the ingredients are far from appetizing. From human health concerns to animal welfare implications, here’s why it’s best to leave hot dogs off your plate.
On World Egg Day, the chicken should come first.
For Media
William Janowitz, Blake Moynes, and Raine Michaels push back against industry-led holiday to honor hens who suffer every day on factory farms for their eggs.
How are children taught to perceive farmed animals? National 4-H Week is an opportunity to consider educational programs that emphasize compassion.
For Media
Norwegian Cruise Line, Colombina, Lai Sun Dining, and Wagamama face global campaign led by the Open Wing Alliance (OWA) that would impact over 351,000 hens.
A hen’s closest wild ancestor, the red junglefowl, will produce 10-15 eggs in a year. A commercial egg-laying hen on a factory farm can produce around 300.
In regions where cage-free egg inventory is low, impact incentives make it easier than ever for food businesses to transform their supply chains—and eradicate cages once and for all.
Every day, 3.8 million pigs are killed around the world. Pickles is one of the lucky few spared from this fate.
The OWA has released its first-ever Fair and Fowl: Global Companies Edition report. Find out which companies are honoring their cage-free egg commitments in 2024.
For Media
The Open Wing Alliance releases rankings of corporations with global cage-free egg commitments in Fair and Fowl: Global Companies Edition.
Mustafa Shakir joins us for a conversation about the joy of a plant-based lifestyle.
Could the path to ending factory farming start with creating more factories?
For Media
Players aim to raise $200,000 for The Humane League in "Spread the Love" Campaign
How to have fun while raising funds for animals.
Successful plant-powered athletes are everywhere. Learn how to incorporate more plant-based foods in your training.
For Media
The Humane League urges the industry to explore alternatives to prevent mass suffering.
For Media
Customers urged parent company CKE Restaurants to be transparent about its animal welfare practices, following awareness efforts led by The Humane League.
Jennifer Stretton talks about how she strives to do good in the world.
Tamora Pierce's Immortals quartet contains surprising insights about how humans can learn and grow in their views of animals raised for food.
A deeper look into the Farm Bill, and how taxpayers may unknowingly subsidize factory farms.
For Media
Japan’s famous mayo refuses to provide cage-free eggs to consumers in Asia
Despite the majority of Americans opposing wildlife killing contests, only 10 states have banned them. And the animal agriculture industry—no stranger to inflicting excessive cruelty—is in favor of this gruesome practice.
And the lack of protections on farms leaves workers exposed.
For Media
As more corporations adopt the European Chicken Commitment (ECC), it is helping to raise the minimum bar of industry standard in eradicating some of the cruelest practices in industrialized animal agriculture.
How do we process fictional and factual animal death, and the purpose it serves?
Melodi meets rescued animals for the first time.
We sit down with award-winning filmmaker Lillie Gardner to discuss her hilarious new web series, and how the idea stemmed from a head of lettuce.
Tyler meets rescued animals for the first time.
Kristin Bauer talks about how her love of animals inspired her plant-based journey.
In the words of actress and activist Persia White, “our abuse of power is destroying the planet, our health, and the moral fiber that holds a just society together.”
Outraged by our movement’s legislative and legal victories, the factory farming industry is fighting back with the “Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression (EATS) Act” and similar legislation. Here’s why these bills present a monumental threat to animals.
The acclaimed filmmaker sits down with the President of The Humane League to talk about questions explored in his latest animal documentary.
The criticism about plant-based meats being ultraprocessed isn’t just missing the point. It’s a dangerous distraction from the real issue at hand: our broken food system.
The quickly emerging “biogas” isn’t the clean energy Big Ag and Oil claim it is.
Chick culling—the shredding of baby birds—is both a terrible secret and a brutal reality.
Which travel companies are being transparent about their cage-free egg commitments—and which aren’t? The Open Wing Alliance’s 2024 Global Travel Report identifies “early birds” and “bad eggs” in the travel sector.
Factory farming is to blame for record-breaking temperatures.
The OWA's latest Cage-Free Egg Fulfillment Report shows that most companies are continuing to honor their global animal welfare commitments—even ahead of schedule.
For Media
Coalition of organizations unite to end large-scale animal cruelty through policy change in the United States.
For Media
Vast majority of companies that pledged to remove cages from egg supply chains by 2023 or earlier have completed transition.
We sat down with actress and activist Alexandra Paul for a conversation about animal personhood, plant-based eating, and the power of policy change.
For Media
In the “witching hour” of cage-free egg transition and with over 40% of U.S. hens free of cages, Chick-fil-A, Wendy’s, Burger King, Carl’s Jr, Hardee’s fall behind competitors.
The Humane League’s work is driven by a dedicated team of folks united around one mission: to end the abuse of animals raised for food.
Cage-free progress worldwide is creating a kinder future for millions of egg-laying hens.
International Respect for Chickens Day is a reminder that farmed birds are caring, extraordinary individuals. Here's what it looks like when they're given the freedom to live—and thrive.
Horse racing is on the decline.
For Media
In the “witching hour” of cage-free egg transition and with over 40% of U.S. hens free of cages, Chick-fil-A, Wendy’s, Burger King, Carl’s Jr, Hardee’s fall behind competitors.
If you’re looking to reduce your impact on the environment, discover 14 reasons why eating a plant-based diet is one of the best choices you can make.
Get down to the basics of plant-based eating with these shelf-stable food tips.
Why is bison meat seen as a better alternative to beef?
Cicadas provide a window into our biases toward certain insects: Do insects raised for food need legal protections?
For Media
Once implemented, the companies’ commitments will improve the lives of nearly 861,000 hens in their supply chains.
The new Netflix show may be more than some viewers bargained for.
Consumers looking to buy "humane meat" may come across misleading labels. So what does humanely raised actually mean?
The comedian reflects on how animals changed her life.
How a simple dietary choice changed the way I think about food and agriculture.
For Media
A report from the Open Wing Alliance calls out Best Western, Millennium and Copthorne Hotels, and others for lack of cage-free transparency.
How the editor of Common Enemy turned 30 hours of footage into 35 minutes of powerful storytelling.
Bellamy Young joins us for a conversation about the inspiration for her longtime animal activism.
Common Enemy in the making: The producer of The Humane League's new documentary shows us how it's done.
Thank you, for being by our side.
Weak regulations have failed to protect Michigan from factory farms. Citizen activists are picking up the slack.
The director of The Humane League’s new documentary takes us behind the scenes.
In 2023, the Open Wing Alliance made strides toward ending cruel cages in every corner of the world.
Are chickens really as smart as the movies cracks them up to be?
We sat down with plant-based athlete, musician, and thought leader David Bailis to talk about the joy of finding balance and alignment in the midst of life’s busiest moments.
Vegans may not be who you think they are.
Björk is protecting fishes in her native Iceland.
A couple years ago, a mix-up at a restaurant changed my perception of vegan foods forever.
Chef, author, and activist Amber Williams joins us for a conversation about food justice, healthy eating on a budget, and the beauty and satisfaction of growing your own food.
Whether you’re shopping for a vegan loved one or just making sure your whole list is cruelty-free, this list of 2023 vegan gift ideas has everything you need!
Together, we are eliminating the cruelest inventions of our lifetime, within our lifetime.
Big Ag is a powerful force in Iowa, but engaged residents are fighting back. And winning.
For the tenth year in a row, Animal Charity Evaluators has named The Humane League a recommended charity.
Muchas gracias por acompañarnos en este camino. Thank you, for being by our side.
Wild bird populations are plummeting. Farm animal protection could be a part of the solution.
For Media
The Report commends Famous Brands, Pizza Express, Papa John’s, Starbucks, for reporting global progress, improving treatment of egg-laying hens around the world.
The vast majority of global restaurant brands have promised to eliminate cages from their supply chains by 2025. But which companies are on track to be successful—and which are failing animals and their customers?
Food safety and animal rights activism have a lot in common.
For Media
The Largest Bookstore Chain In The US Is On Track To Source 100 Percent Cage-Free Eggs By 2025
For Media
The largest and fastest-growing Asian restaurant company in the world, Jollibee’s cage-free egg commitment will positively impact millions of hens worldwide.
Avian influenza is devastating both wild and domestic bird populations, another symptom of a broken food system.
Animal advocate Julie Knopp reflects on effective strategies that can propel the farm animal protection movement to a mainstream social justice issue.
We sat down with bestselling author Michael Easter to talk about plant-based eating, our modern food system, and how to rewire our habits for health, compassion, and success.
Thanks to changemakers like you, the cage-free movement is growing across Africa! A new report by the Open Wing Alliance outlines which companies are leading the way—and which are falling behind.
For Media
The world’s largest service restaurant company and its sub-brands, KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and The Habit Burger Grill, expect to be cage-free at most locations by 2026.
Food Justice
The Supreme Court’s decision on California’s Prop 12 changed the lives of millions of animals—and revealed the lengths that the meat industry will go to stop progress on animal welfare.
Food Justice
Prop 12 is considered the strongest farm animal protection law in the United States and possibly in the world. When it went into effect in 2022, it outlawed the use of cages—and stands to spare millions of animals from the cruelest forms of confinement.
"Although the egg industry is seen as more compassionate than the meat industry, it actually couldn't be further from the truth."
Nutritionist and influencer Stefanie Stevens shares her best tips for following a healthy, sustainable plant-based lifestyle.
The environmental costs of factory farming cast a stark light on the future of our planet. From global warming to pollution to deforestation, these 12 facts about factory farming and the environment point to the urgent need for food system reform.
Social Justice
Our food system is largely built on bloodshed and quick profits, at the expense of both animals and humans.
The growing emergence of diseases from animals suggests that we need to rethink our reliance on animals as a food source.
Food Justice
Ventilation shutdown plus (VSD+) is an incredibly inhumane method of killing lots of animals at once by shutting off air supply and driving up temperatures, leading to organ failure and suffocation. And it has to stop.
As the largest organization representing the veterinary profession, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has an obligation to empower vets and prevent animal suffering. But on some issues, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
To some, bunny farming may seem like a path to profit. In reality, raising rabbits for food is time-consuming, low-profit, and cruel.
For Media
Jollibee is responsible for the cruel confinement of millions of egg-laying hens in cramped, filthy cages and uses an estimated 586,505,945 eggs annually.
Food Justice
Before 2050, the world will likely experience another pandemic. Here’s how we can prepare.
Baking without eggs? Yes, it’s easier and more delicious than ever before! You’ll be surprised to discover all of the inventive egg substitutes that are already hidden in your pantry.
A chicken clucking in her nest as she lays her eggs is a familiar image: but is she in pain? It depends.
Discover a few of the many well-known thinkers, authors, and celebrities who have chosen to go meat-free!
Campbell Ritchie—activist, environmentalist, and celebrity makeup artist—shares her story and the vibrant background to her animal advocacy.
Angela Means joins us to talk about why she advocates for animals—from the power and influence of her childhood experiences, to her belief in caring about something “more than yourself.”
For Media
Upheld CA law makes it illegal to confine animals raised for food in cages
Battery cages are officially on their way out. The Open Wing Alliance’s latest report finds the vast majority of companies with 2022 cage-free pledges have completed their transitions—moving away from the intensive confinement of hens around the globe.
Food Justice
There are countless animal organizations around the world. While they all perform different roles, they share a common goal: making animals’ lives better.
Your guide to the alternative meat companies shaking up the meat industry as we know it… Here comes the Future of Food!
For Media
In addition to announcing an implementation plan for egg elimination, Kellogg’s published a statement committing to interim progress updates until the manufacturer reaches 100% cage-free eggs.
This year, we set a goal to spare 6,700,000 birds from cruel battery cages. Here’s how we got to this number, and how we can pull it off.
Award-winning actress Alicia Silverstone joins us to talk about animal advocacy, entrepreneurship and motherhood, and the healing power of compassion.
To protect the planet, humans must begin at the source: the ocean.
For Media
PepsiCo reports sourcing 100% of cage-free eggs from U.S. supply chains since 2020, and is on track to source 100% of cage-free eggs globally by 2025.
An eggless Easter celebration can save you money, help animals, and benefit your health. This Easter, discover delightful plant-based alternatives to all your favorite Easter traditions!
The feed animals eat on factory farms—made from crops like corn and soybeans—is far removed from their natural diets. And it's linked to environmental destruction around the world.
We all know the stereotype of pigs rolling around in mud. But how clean actually are these animals? Read on to find out about the wild world of pig hygiene—and 14 other cool facts!
Unsure how to feel about aquaculture? Here’s the info you need.
Food Justice
More and more companies are going cage-free thanks to informed consumers speaking up and responsible corporate citizens taking action.
A number of national food conglomerates made a commitment to source only cage-free eggs in their supply chains. But the question remains: will they be transparent about their progress?
You may be surprised by the many benefits of eating less meat. By consuming more plant-based foods, you can improve your health, help animals, and build a more sustainable future.
For Media
The Open Wing Alliance lauds Rians for prioritizing animal welfare across its global supply chain.
Now that we know fish have thoughts, emotions, and pain receptors, it’s time to let them off the hook.
Animal rights activists share a common vision: a world where animals receive the love, compassion, and respect they deserve.
Animals raised for food endure tremendous cruelty during their short lives. But few people are aware of the particular suffering these animals endure during transportation to factory farms, slaughterhouses, and other grim destinations.
Got the travel bug? You’re in luck! Vegan travel guide Rebecca Gade-Sawicki shares her tips for wandering the world with compassion.
For Media
The 2023 Report from The Humane League is calling out Wendy’s, InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), Chopt, and more for pledging cage-free eggs to customers and withholding their promises.
A picture says a thousand words—and a talking picture can say many more! Movies that explore vegan issues and themes are a powerful way to learn and be inspired about veganism. In this article, we'll break down some of the best vegan movies.
In 2022, the Open Wing Alliance continued to grow our movement to end the abuse of chickens. The coalition’s collaboration on global campaigns, trainings, and events sparked progress for animals worldwide—and there’s even more to come.
Viking, a major cruise line, publicly pledges to eliminate the worst forms of animal confinement from its global operations. This is a significant victory for advocates who champion for a cage-free future, and for countless caged hens who deserve better.
For Media
The Global Manufacturers Report ranks the companies leading the way by publicly reporting on their global cage-free egg progress and those which are underperforming by failing to be transparent about animal cruelty in their supply chains.
Chickens have the capacity for empathy, deception, and other nuanced cognitive skills. But billions of these birds remain trapped in a food system where they suffer through unnatural living conditions and a brutal slaughter.
Top food manufacturers like Barilla, Kraft Heinz, and Danone are leading the way on animal welfare, while corporations like Kellogg’s and Pepsico are falling short. Read more in our new report.
Weaving inspiring stories through her music, vegan singer Alisun has become a powerful voice for nature, animals, and the planet.
On and off the screen, vegan actor Dana Heath is a champion for kindness, fairness, and doing what’s right.
Filmmaker and animal activist Ryuji Chua is on a mission to change the way people think about animals—simply by asking new questions.
Food Justice
The US government enacted the Humane Slaughter Act decades ago to extend basic protections to animals in slaughterhouses. However, the law leaves out billions of animals, and its protections are often unenforced.
For Media
Thanks to accountability guidance from Open Wing Alliance, RBI is prioritizing animal welfare across its global supply chain which includes over 29,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries.
For Media
The Humane League worked with both companies on accelerating their cage-free egg fulfillment timeline across their combined 18,786 U.S. locations
From candies to canned goods, you can find gelatin lurking in many ingredients lists. But what is it made of, and why isn’t it vegetarian?
With a population of over 33 billion, domestic chickens are the most populous birds in the world. Sadly, the most numerous birds in the world also suffer the worst abuses.
Food Justice
Animals deserve more protection than they have today. By becoming involved in this movement, you can make a huge difference in their lives.
Food Justice
On factory farms, animals endure routine mutilations, extreme confinement, and genetic manipulation—all for the supposed benefit of human consumers.
In 2018, slaughterhouses, factory farms, and smaller farms killed around 2.27 million sheep in the US alone. Most of these sheep were young lambs who went to their premature deaths so we could eat their meat.
gategroup, a leader in the travel industry, is already 75% cage-free—and plans to get to 100% by 2025.
You spoke, and three leading foodservice companies heard you. Compass Group, Sodexo, and Delaware North Companies just ramped up their animal welfare policies—setting a new standard for the entire industry.
The Open Wing Alliance (OWA), a coalition of animal activists and organizations from around the globe, has reached a breakthrough in the movement to end the abuse of chickens worldwide.
Recent decades have shed light on how pervasive and harmful our prejudices can be, and what we can do to stop them. But, a particularly pervasive form of prejudice remains largely unchallenged.
Mayim Bialik joins us to talk about everything from inner peace to vegan cookie batter—and shares her reflections on the power of incremental change.
Feedlots and dairy barns represent some of the most challenging living conditions endured by animals today. Here's why you should help cows, and how you can do it.
Food Justice
New Jersey Democrat Cory Booker introduced the Industrial Agricultural Accountability Act to the US Senate in order to hold Big Meat accountable. Here’s why the legislation matters.
Disbudding and dehorning are widespread practices in the farming community. But behind their apparent necessity, there’s pain, distress, and a dangerous lack of regulation.
Three travel industry leaders—Four Seasons, Norwegian Cruise Line, and Langham Hotels—have all shown progress toward freeing hens from cruel battery cages. This is a major breakthrough for chickens around the globe!
The meat industry uses selective breeding to make chickens grow unnaturally large, unnaturally fast. The practice causes immense suffering for millions of chickens on factory farms.
You have spared millions of animals from the worst abuses imaginable. Together, we can help millions more.
For the ninth year in a row, Animal Charity Evaluators names The Humane League a Top Charity.
Food Justice
From trying veganism to finding an impactful career, here’s everything you need to know before getting started on your journey toward animal activism.
Successful recipe creator, food blogger, and entrepreneur Remy Park joins us to chat about veganism and wellness—and shares a yummy recipe to try.
You need to meet activist Soul Eubanks of APEX Advocacy.
Fish Welfare
Why a pescetarian diet isn't as good for you (or the planet) as you might think.
It’s World Vegan Month! And to celebrate, we caught up with vegan chef and baker extraordinaire Chris Tucker about his favorite plant-based eats.
Making the transition to a more compassionate vegan lifestyle is one of the best things you can do for animals and for the planet—you may feel extra health benefits, too.
Food Justice
Factory farms are disastrous for the environment, nearby communities, consumer health, and animal welfare.
Together, we will end cages once and for all.
Denny's, as well as Mondeléz International and Norwegian Cruise Lines, all agree to stop caging egg-laying hens.
Costco has made progress on its eight-year-old commitment to completely eliminate the cruel practice of caging hens who lay eggs in its supply chain.
Another win for the animals.
Meet one of the people behind The Humane League's website! 🖥️
From animal rights to veggie-centric recipes, there’s no limit to what you’ll find in these pages.
Seattle's Zachary Segall knows the importance of building community in order to bring people together.
Thanksgiving is right around the corner, bringing a cornucopia of traditional dishes to the holiday table. Here’s the good news: with an abundance of easy-to-find vegan fare, you can serve up a taste of nostalgia and remain committed to kindness, too.
Factory-farmed turkeys, like broiler chickens, have been bred to grow too large, too fast.
Though eggs are high in protein and rich in omega-3 acids, they've also been linked to a higher risk of cancer, diabetes, and other diseases.
Hidden out of sight from the general population, animal experimentation takes the lives of millions of animals each year—but you can help to end this cruelty.
Looking at labels—“cruelty-free,” “happy cows,” or “friendly farm”—dairy products might seem perfectly humane. But at its core, there’s nothing humane about the dairy industry.
Which global travel companies are fulfilling their commitments to keep egg-laying hens out of cruel wire cages—and which are not? A new report by the Open Wing Alliance offers an enlightening look at corporate accountability in this sector.
Every year, the president “pardons” two turkeys from being served on a Thanksgiving table. Have you ever wondered how this tradition started, and how these turkeys are selected for pardoning?
As we learn more about animals, we realize they’re much smarter than we thought.
What I ate in Seattle, Washington!
Meet Seattle-based vegan baker and changemaker Lara de la Rosa. 🍰🥐
The meat industry repeatedly impregnates female pigs so it can raise and kill their newborn piglets. These female pigs will spend their entire pregnancies trapped in a “gestation crate”—a metal cage that is so tight, a pig can’t even turn around.
Food Justice
As the Supreme Court prepares to consider the National Pork Producers’ case to overturn California’s landmark animal welfare law, voices from across the political spectrum have spoken out in support of Prop 12.
Pig farming may seem like a way to care for, connect with, and spend time with intelligent animals. The stark reality is that many pig farmers end up trapped in a vicious spiral of debt, struggling to care for suffering pigs.
Forests help make the planet livable for us all, but human activity is destroying them at an alarming rate. Deforestation represents a growing threat to all life on Earth, driving dangerous carbon emissions and exacerbating the climate crisis.
Sadly, most lambs are born into a food system that doesn’t see them as the sweet, gentle individuals that they are. Instead, the food system prioritizes corporate profits over their well-being.
Billions of cows, chickens, and pigs are killed each year to feed an unsustainable demand for meat that’s eating away at the planet. But innovations in science and technology could bring this needless killing to an end. Lab-grown meat is here.
Mutilated animals. Dead zones. Sewage lagoons. Pandemic factories. It sounds like something out of a dystopian novel, but it's happening right now—all thanks to an industry that values profit over life on Earth.
Food Justice
When Massachusetts voted Question 3 into law in 2016, it was the strongest farm animal protection law in the United States—at the time. As other US states passed even stronger laws to protect animals, Question 3 needed an upgrade. In 2021, it got one.
After compassionate consumers took action to hold the company accountable, BJ’s Wholesale Club made progress toward eliminating cruel battery cages from their supply chain.
In partnership with animal activists around the world, the Open Wing Alliance (OWA) has secured a global cage-free commitment from Toridoll—marking an incredible milestone in the movement for animals worldwide.
NYC Senior Field Organizer and Corporate Engagement Lead Alex Wolfe shares what motivates her to get up every day and work to make the world a better place for farmed animals! 🐔
Storytellers and animal activists Daniela Escamilla and Angel Lugo share a rich conversation exploring questions of food and family, culture and connection.
Consumers care about animal welfare, and they showed up in a big way to shut down cruelty in HelloFresh’s supply chain. Now, in a historic moment, HelloFresh has released a more detailed and timely animal welfare plan.
Seafood has important nutritional elements, but it’s not the magic superfood you might think. Read on to get to the bottom of our seafood myths.
A new approach to agriculture is taking hold across the United States—an approach that has the potential to transform our entire food system for the better.
In nature, mother cows produce enough milk to feed their newborn baby calves. But, factory farms use cruel and unnatural methods to maximize female cows' milk production and, in turn, maximize their own profits.
Are you considering a vegan diet, or do you just want to know more about what vegans eat? Let us break down the facts for you.
Food Justice
Food service companies represent a multi-billion dollar industry. But as the industry continues to grow, so does the animal abuse rampant in its supply chain.
Ventilation Shutdown Plus (VSD+) is a method used by farmers to control the spread of avian influenza. The suffering can last for hours before the birds finally die.
Fish Welfare
Amid grim reports on the impacts of overfishing, NOAA Fisheries found that the average American still ate 19.2 pounds of seafood in 2019. But a more terrifying statistic is the number of marine animals killed without ever showing up on people’s plates.
Food Justice
A small group of enormous companies control practically everything we eat and drink.
While the natural lifespan of a cow is 15-20 years, the dairy industry rarely allows cows to live past age five. They're sent to slaughter soon after their production levels drop.
The majority of chickens don't get to live out their full, natural lifespans. Instead, the factory farm industry cuts their lives short.
The process of making chicken nuggets is gruesome, to say the least. With so many plant-based nuggets on grocery store shelves, opting for a more ethical nugget is easier than ever.
Exploring the ever-expanding realm of dairy alternatives is a great way to reduce the suffering of cows on factory farms, and to shrink your carbon footprint.
Every chicken deserves a life of dignity and compassion. If your family has room in your home and your hearts, you can change the life of a hen in need.
Last week, people across the Atlanta metropolitan area spotted a billboard with a strong message for Dunkin’s executives: stop supporting animal cruelty.
Six years ago, Rite Aid committed to cage-free sourcing by 2025. But in its latest sustainability report, it accelerated its timeline to 100% cage-free at all locations by the end of this year—a direct result of animal advocates’ efforts around the world.
Joaquin Phoenix is an award-winning actor and animal advocate, and he’s also one of Hollywood’s most influential vegans. We took a look at what inspired Joaquin Phoenix to go vegan, his animal advocacy, and his hopes for a more compassionate future.
Food Justice
Youth Empowered Action (YEA) Camp, a week-long summer camp that equips young advocates with the training and tools they need to succeed, kicks off August 6th in Massachusetts.
Plant-based meats are a great option for meat-eaters, flexitarians, vegetarians and vegans alike.
The Humane League’s new National Director of Organizing reflects on his path into animal advocacy—and his hopes for what volunteers can accomplish together.
In a heartening win for chickens, Pokeworks—the world’s leading fast-casual poke brand—has committed to source 100% of its eggs from cage-free facilities.
Animal agriculture forces calves to give up milk—so that people don’t have to.
With meat and egg prices soaring, it’s a great time to incorporate more plant-based food into our diets—for the animals, for the planet, and for our wallets.
The use of antibiotics on chicken farms not only encourages chickens to grow unnaturally large, unnaturally fast—it also poses a grave threat to human health, in the form of growing antibiotic resistance.
Don’t be fooled by labels like "hormone-free" or "steroid-free" on chicken products at the supermarket. Factory farms are still unnaturally enhancing the growth of billions of chickens every year.
"I feel like I'm able, every day, to bring other people into the movement."
For centuries, humans have wondered and written about the inner lives of animals. The Welfare Footprint Project takes a look at this age-old question—and proves that standards like the Better Chicken Commitment measurably improve the lives of chickens.
Scientific evidence suggests that fish feel pain. Their complex nervous systems and behaviors challenge long-held beliefs that fish can be treated with no regard for their welfare.
THL Volunteer Caption Kate Rohani shows us the hottest vegan spots in America's Finest City—San Diego!
More and more cafeterias are going meatless on Mondays. Here's why the initiative may be a great choice for your community, too.
When climate scientists suggested eating less beef, many people committed to a “no red meat” diet—but started eating a lot more chicken instead. Here’s why that swap might actually end up hurting the environment more than it helps.
The beef industry tauts the idea of “regenerative ranching”—grazing cattle on degraded soils—as the answer to animal agriculture’s sustainability problem. However, is this practice really better for the environment?
Thanks to the relentless efforts of animal advocates nationwide, Quiznos, Red Robin, and Black Bear Diner are now publicly reporting their progress and providing detailed paths to sourcing only 100% cage-free eggs across their supply chains.
After gaining a reputation as a big-time polluter, Tyson Foods now touts major sustainability initiatives and a net-zero climate pledge to reassure concerned consumers. But, behind the scenes, has the company actually changed its ways?
Peaceful protesters rallied last week outside HelloFresh’s corporate offices in New York City, urging the meal kit company to do what it promised to do when it adopted the Better Chicken Commitment: end its cruel factory farming practices.
Food Justice
Since the 1990s, the agriculture industry has fought for laws to prevent whistleblowers from documenting and sharing its gruesome practices with the public. But these “ag-gag” laws aren’t just morally dubious—they’re unconstitutional.
As the momentum for ending the use of cages for chickens continues to build, most companies that pledged to go cage-free by the end of 2021 have fulfilled those promises. For countless hens worldwide, this is a big shift toward a more compassionate future.
Big problems require even bigger solutions. Transforming our entire food system as we know it is no small feat, but it might be exactly what we need to combat the climate crisis.
Meal delivery kits can simplify food prep, but without clear animal welfare policies in place—and a roadmap for how they’ll put those policies into practice—companies like HelloFresh are leaving kindness off the menu.
Jennifer Barckley and Ashley Chang reflect on their journeys as animal advocates—and on how that work inevitably intersects with big questions about identity and inclusivity.
Tired of paying extra for plant-based proteins? Higher prices for vegan products may soon be a thing of the past, making compassionate food choices more accessible for everyone.
Leaving animals off your plate saves their lives—and adds years to yours. This might just sound like good karma. But, there’s science to back it up!
Research Reports
Critics of Prop 12 claimed that the new animal welfare standards would drive increased food prices and product shortages. After the law has gone into effect, it’s become clear that these claims were nothing more than industry fearmongering.
Popular culture has made “bird-brained” into an insult implying a lack of intelligence. But years of research has found that birds, including chickens, are much smarter than once believed.
Food Justice
Arizona prohibited the production and sale of eggs from caged hens, joining nine other states in protecting egg-laying hens at the state level: Utah, Colorado, Michigan, Washington, Oregon, California, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Nevada.
Food Justice
Hundreds of food companies—from fast food chains to supermarkets—promised to end the abuse of chickens and egg-laying hens in their supply chains. But they aren’t doing enough. Now it’s time to hold these corporations accountable.
In a victory for egg-laying hens, two drugstore powerhouses commit to ending the use of cages nationwide years ahead of schedule.
We’ve come a long way in understanding animals’ ability to experience emotions. But we’ve still got a long way to go.
Ordering takeout on a food app can be convenient, but with some restaurants that convenience can come with a cost to animal welfare. Until all restaurants uphold policies to protect animals in their supply chains, here are a few food services to avoid.
Using her veterinary degree and experience, The Humane League's first female president has dedicated her career to reducing the suffering of animals on factory farms.
The key to addressing climate change isn’t just changing our diets—it’s changing our whole food system. In her latest report, A Green New Meal, author, researcher, and climate justice advocate Noa Dalzell tells us how.
Animals raised for food endure physical and psychological abuse on factory farms.
Every year, the factory farm system disposes of billions of cows, pigs, and chickens. Their waste doesn't just hurt animals—it hurts our planet, too.
Animal protection leaders Vicky Bond and David Coman-Hidy reflect on their individual journeys as activists—as well as on their visions for The Humane League and the broader movement to end the abuse of animals raised for food.
For Media
Animal Welfare Scientist and Veterinarian Shares Vision for the Future of our Food Industry
The Humane League Japan celebrates its fifth year of creating change for animals!
Because cows are 100% grass puppies.
Chickens are highly intelligent, social animals and each has a unique personality, just like a human being. While our broken food system treats chickens as a consumable product, these incredibly diverse creatures have numerous breeds, markings, and traits.
In honor of World Water Day, we’re taking a look at animal agriculture’s harmful impact on freshwater use and highlighting what we can do to help protect this vital natural resource.
In a breakthrough announcement from the company, Panda Express commits to using 100% cage-free eggs in all of its US locations by 2025, and in all of its global markets by 2030.
In a culture that primarily sees pigs as a source of food, it's easy to miss the fact that these creatures are highly intelligent, social, and empathetic. And they experience pain and suffering—just like us.
Meet Changemaker, Vegan Activist Alliance Founder, and Chilis on Wheels Executive Director Eloísa Trinidad.
Each time you order a plant-based burger, you take a big juicy bite out of deforestation—and help nourish a healthy future for everyone on the planet.
"One of my favorite parts is to actually empower our volunteers to become leaders in the movement."
Food Justice
On International Women's Day, we’re celebrating women who work to reimagine our broken food system every day, inspiring justice for the animals, for the environment, and for fellow humans.
In a rousing success for the Open Wing Alliance and animal activists worldwide, The Cheesecake Factory pledged to source only cage-free eggs for their global supply chains. This victory marks another major animal welfare shift for egg-laying hens.
Every animal deserves protection. For some, those safeguards are critical to the survival of a species. In honor of World Wildlife Day, we’re shining the spotlight on 10 of the most endangered species and raising the question: How can we make a difference?
Thanks to the compassionate caregivers at Farm Animal Refuge, Firecracker the rescue pig overcame the cruelty of animal agriculture. His remarkable story shows us that every pig is a unique individual, worthy of our compassion and respect.
Food Justice
The term “food desert” brings to mind a scorching, arid landscape with nothing to see for miles. But the truth is that food deserts exist all over the country, in all sorts of environments, and have severe health impacts on the people who live there.
Spending time with different species, getting to know their unique personalities, and learning their stories can change our entire perspective on animals. Our supporters shared what first inspired them to spread kindness and compassion for animals.
Animal scientists observe the unique personalities and social dynamics of cows every day, and it turns out that there’s a lot we can learn from the species.
Firecracker was rescued from the animal agriculture industry and now lives with his best friends Diamond and Harmony at Farm Animal Refuge in California.
Less than a month into the new year, we’re celebrating a massive win. 512 companies—and counting—have committed to adopting higher welfare standards for chickens raised for meat.
According to a new report, major restaurants around the world are falling behind on animal welfare—but you won’t find these 27 brands in the report. Here’s why.
Dairy ads sell us on the fiction that milk does a body good. The truth is, unless you’re a baby cow, dairy doesn’t do anybody good.
Although fast food companies and animal rights advocates haven’t always gotten along, big chains like KFC offering vegan options can be a step in the right direction for animals.
Wondering how to find good sources of protein on a plant-based diet? You’re in luck! We’ve rounded up 20 protein-packed options that will help you maintain a balanced diet while keeping animals off your plate.
A new report reveals that top restaurants all over the world—including McDonald’s, Subway, and Outback Steakhouse—are falling behind on animal welfare.
Goat’s milk might seem like a healthier or more ethical alternative to traditional cow’s milk, but closer examination reveals that the two products aren’t all that different.
Marking a win for chickens, the world’s largest leisure travel company—Carnival Corporation—pledges to source 100% cage-free eggs for its global supply chain.
In the face of mounting anxiety about climate change, the environmental educator and content creator behind Queer Brown Vegan stays resilient and remains committed to building a more just future for human and nonhuman animals alike.
With a rise in plant-based meats on the market, it’s easier than ever to leave animals off your plate. Wondering about the benefits of plant-based chicken? Here’s what you need to know to make a compassionate choice.
Food Justice
For decades, veterinarians and animal behaviorists considered the Five Freedoms model the “gold standard” of animal welfare. However, these protections don’t go far enough to ensure animals can live happy, healthy lives.
This year, we welcomed new member organizations, strengthened our advocacy with new trainings and funding, and won our most ambitious campaigns to date.
For Media
The Humane League released a new guide that informs chicken consumers which natural retailers in the United States are committed to improving the welfare of chickens in their supply chains, and which do not.
Want to make a difference for animals on your campus but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you’re on your third screening of Cowspiracy and need some new ideas? We have you covered!
Focus Brands and Groupe Le Duff commit to sourcing only cage-free eggs for their supply chains, eliminating the use of cruel and outdated battery cages. This victory is a direct result of Open Wing Alliance’s global animal welfare campaign.
More funding will allow us to scale our programs, explore new strategies to impact trillions more lives, grow our staff, increase grants to allied organizations in the movement, and educate millions more people about the realities of factory farming.
Animal Charity Evaluators has named The Humane League a Top Charity for the eighth year in a row. Here’s why this honor matters.
Like broiler chickens, factory-farmed turkeys are bred to grow unnaturally large. Today’s turkeys are so heavy that they could never take to the air, even if they were given the opportunity. It’s time to end the abuse of turkeys.
It could be you—through the Changemaker Writers' Collective.
Our food system is broken. Unsustainable and inhumane practices in factory farming create long-lasting issues for animals and the environment. And dairy farming is one of the biggest culprits.
Hyatt, Hilton, and Best Western—along with other hotels, cruise lines, and coffee shops—are keeping consumers in the dark. They all made official commitments to source only cage-free eggs, but their lack of transparency raises doubts about their progress.
Processed meat is everywhere. Hot dogs, lunch meat, chicken nuggets, and more are readily available in cafeterias, restaurants, and neighborhood grocery stores. But behind each product lies a disturbing truth that deeply impacts both humans and animals.
Fall flavors are out in full force, including the ever-popular pumpkin spice. With so many vegan options to choose from, it’s easier than ever to make kindness a key part of your autumnal menu.
Social Justice
Factory farming threatens Indigenous people’s communities and cultures. But, both in the United States and abroad, Indigenous people are standing up and fighting back against the forces that continue to exploit their land for profit.
Veal is notorious for its cruelty. All veal comes from a baby cow who was separated from their mom at birth and forced to endure horrific abuse.
Food Justice
The chicken industry is ignoring the science behind white striping, a common disease among chickens bred to grow extremely fast. Here are the facts.
Chicken producers care about their profit over everything else, that's why they prefer to raise birds that have been manipulated to grow so large at an extremely unnatural rate.
Our vital ocean ecosystems face an existential threat: the commercial fishing industry. Around the world, commercial fishing is decimating fish populations, threatening countless other marine species, and destroying crucial habitats.
Research Reports
Three studies of a documentary to reduce animal product consumption find little impact.
"With images, I can reveal the truth that is locked behind the walls of the farms, walls of truck trailers, or slaughterhouse gates."
Gabrielle Reyes, also known as the musical chef, has a contagious energy that will have you singing along and creating some flavorful and compassionate plant-based meals.
Yum! Brands pledges to source 100% cage-free eggs for its global supply chain. This commitment represents the largest—and longest—public cage-free campaign victory to date, led by the Open Wing Alliance.
Sprouts Farmers Market is the latest US retailer to address all the standards of the Better Chicken Commitment. This is a huge step in the right direction for animal welfare.
In the United States, the poultry industry kills nine billion chickens every year. These birds live in daily agony, due in part to their rapid growth. Steroids aren’t to blame, however. Their extreme growth is the result of selective breeding—and greed.
Around the world, farm-raised salmon now vastly outnumber salmon in the wild. Responsible for the suffering of billions of fish, salmon farms wreak havoc—not only on the fish they hold captive but also on the natural ecosystems surrounding them.
Our agricultural system is built on exploitation: the torture and killing of animals, the abuse of unprotected workers, and the theft and destruction of the Earth's land.
Estimating the percentage of chickens raised for meat slaughtered with higher-welfare systems.
The United States has a long love affair with processed chicken products—in fact, the average American consumes 108 pounds of chicken per year.
White striping is a disease that shows up in the muscles of chickens. And it’s widespread.
Marking a major milestone for the global movement to protect animals from abuse, over 100 companies have made commitments to go cage-free throughout their global supply chains. As a result, millions of hens will finally have a chance to spread their wings.
Food Justice
A landmark California law protecting animals on factory farms—Proposition 12—held strong against recent challenges from the meat industry. It’ll remain in effect, meaning millions of animals will soon live cage-free.
Food Justice
Nevada has outlawed the sale of eggs from caged hens, joining Utah, Colorado, Michigan, Washington, Oregon, California, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.
This International Non-Binary People’s Day, we talk with two activists—Sam Plouff and Scott Seven—about the intersections between plant-based eating and gender.
Research Reports
An analysis of data and existing research on plant-based and dairy milk consumption and the relationships between the products.
Gwenna Hunter creates online spaces with a powerful sense of community.
While death is an inevitable part of all animals’ lives, slaughter doesn’t need to be—especially at the nauseating scale that intensive industrial agriculture demands.
Over 200 major food brands have adopted the Better Chicken Commitment. What's stopping Costco from doing the same?
Research Reports
A meta-analysis of animal-related appeals to reduce animal product consumption.
For Media
Comprehensive meta-analysis of meat reduction tactics conducted by The Humane League Labs, Stanford Medicine, among others.
The egg industry has a dark secret: it exploits, abuses, and kills millions of hens every single year.
Understanding where our food comes from is important, especially if you want to learn how to vote with your dollar and choose products that cause the least amount of harm.
The vast majority of chickens in the US are forced to live in intensive factory farms where they face truly appalling conditions.
While companion animals often endure cruelty on a daily basis, cruelty is rampant in the industries that use animals for food, entertainment, experimentation, fur, and more.
Throughout their lives, broiler chickens and layer hens are subject to endless suffering.
"I always want to extend myself for people to understand that, if we really want to become better environmentalists and advocates for this world, we need to reckon with the past."
Mothers on factory farms are not treated as the emotional, sentient beings they are, but as breeding machines.
Throw some kindness on the grill with these easy vegan entrées and sides.
“I deeply admire women who have done investigations, who take pictures of the most terrible situations and who transform it into struggle and activism to change the lives of the animals.”
Food Justice
Over the last century, the once pastoral farmlands of America have undergone a tremendous transformation, and not for the better.
Behind the low cost of this cheap meat, is a big cost—the painful suffering of smart, cuddly, and curious chickens.
Food Justice
We need to think big to create a food system that works for all.
Because of human intervention, there are some breeds of chickens whose weight has drastically changed over a short amount of time.
The life cycle of hens on factory farms are filled with exploitation at every turn.
We've heard lots of misconceptions about the vegan movement. It's time to set the record straight.
If Americans spent as much time around chickens as they do around dogs or cats, they might see them as the charismatic, lovable, and smart creatures they are.
It's hard to predict the future of the meat industry, but we do know one thing: Curbing or eliminating your meat consumption makes the world a better place.
After fighting their way from slaughterhouse to sanctuary, these animals have incredible stories to tell.
The dairy industry has no use for male calves, so they're either sold for beef, sent to veal facilities, or shot shortly after they're born.
Homemade potato chips and creamy sour cream? Yes, please!
Go beyond a basic burger, and take a trip Down Under with this take on an Aussie staple.
You’ll want to get out of bed for this cozy and nourishing start to your day.
Give yourself a bite of zest and zeal with this magical cake.
This recipe will tempt you with the wonders of tempeh.
Throwback to your days of tuna sandwiches with this healthy substitute.
Feel balanced and uplifted with this special breakfast.
Veggies take on new, satisfying status with this simple dish.
Get a bowl full of beautiful health with this next-level salad.
PB&J gets an upgrade with these fun-meets-sophisticated crêpes.
Creamy pasta makes a comeback with this soulfully satisfying rendition.
Try this easy and enlivening version of a classic Indian veg dish.
Factory fish farms confine high densities of fish within small containers or nets for their entire lives—something that's particularly unnatural for species like salmon, which would otherwise migrate thousands of miles.
The environmental costs of factory farming—such as global warming, pollution, and diminished biodiversity—are too great for these facilities to continue dominating our food system.
Compared to meat, dairy is so often seen as the lesser of two evils. But the reality is that there is horrific cruelty taking place every day on dairy farms.
The removal of their tails is one of many abuses that young sheep endure. No matter the method, tail-docking has been shown to cause pain in lambs.
Cows on factory farms spend most of their lives standing or lying down in filthy pens that are so crowded, it can be difficult for them to walk any distance.
Whole Foods and Costco have shown that supermarkets in the US will need to take this issue seriously, or risk falling behind consumer expectations.
Without animal welfare organizations, animals languishing on farms, in laboratories, and within natural habitats would have no protection from the worst abuses inflicted on them by humans.
Human beings don't need to drink the milk of other species to survive, and cow’s milk is no exception. Studies have linked dairy consumption to allergies, skin conditions, and even cancers.
Food Justice
In addition to advocating for welfare improvements, animal charities encourage the public to think critically about how their lifestyle choices impact animals.
"These animals are experiencing a level of fear and pain that many of us cannot even comprehend."
Timo Stammberger witnesses firsthand the scenes that the industrial food industry wants to keep hidden: monotonous, filthy concrete pits, where animals are kept in cages so tight they can barely move.
Poultry farming comes at a great cost to both humans and animals. Billions of chickens, ducks, and turkeys are mistreated on factory farms each year.
Food Justice
Farm animals face long, torturous journeys before even reaching slaughterhouses, crammed into trucks with no water, food, or protection from extreme weather conditions.
Food Justice
The Animal Welfare Act has improved the lives of some animals, but it leaves much to be desired, in part because farm animals don't fall under its purview.
Some of the worst aspects of chicken farming, such as live-shackle slaughter and forced molting, are being challenged by consumers and companies alike.
Food Justice
Animal welfare organizations are committed to seeing the lives of animals improved. Although this movement has achieved great victories over the years, there remains much to be done.
In 2020, the OWA secured global cage-free commitments from 17 companies, welcomed eight new members to its ranks, and administered over $1 million in grants.
Eliminating meat, eggs, and dairy from your diet is better for our collective health, the environment, and animals.
There is an incredible diversity of breeds, each with varying plumage and dispositions.
Whole Foods Market is now the first major US retailer to adopt all the standards of the Better Chicken Commitment.
This craveable Caesar salad defies what you’d expect from a nutritious, power-packed dish.
Take your tastebuds on a trip with this nourishing take on a traditional Thai red curry.
Did someone say BBQ AND pizza? Let’s get cooking!
Comfort food at its finest, get ready to dig in!
Try this upgraded take on the classic vanilla cupcake. You can thank us later.
RBI just became the first major restaurant group to commit to a truly global cage-free policy. Millions of chickens at 25,000 restaurants will be spared the horrors of battery cages.
Broiler chickens on factory farms are treated more like inanimate objects than living beings. Their brutal conditions also pose grave risks to human health and worker safety.
More funding will allow us to grow our staff, scale our most effective programs, and continue making life-changing progress that will impact hundreds of millions of animals every year.
Cozy up on a cold night with this wholesome, and easy, take on lasagna.
Mushrooms transform shawarma into a “meaty”, plant-based experience.
Breakfast? Dessert? Simply scrumptious. This one dish does it all.
Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE) has named The Humane League (THL) a Top Charity for 2020. Here's why that's a big deal.
Research Reports
A comprehensive analysis of changes in vegetarian and vegan rates over time.
Pigs are subjected to horrific conditions on factory farms, but their suffering is unseen. Learn the truth about what happens behind closed doors.
Research Reports
A reanalysis of a study examining the effect of different messages on intended future animal product consumption.
University of Guelph finds that the industry standard of raising rapid growth chicken breeds causes them to suffer from pain and deformities.
For Media
New findings released today reveal that the industry standard of selectively breeding chickens to grow rapidly, which includes nearly all chicken consumed at restaurants and sold in grocery stores, cause them to endure pain and suffering.
For Media
Ventilation shutdown and water-based foam methods used to kill animal populations during the pandemic are among the cruelest ways to kill farmed animals.
Research Reports
A review of methods for measuring progress towards improved broiler welfare.
Join the fight to end one of the greatest causes of animal suffering today.
Move over conventional meat. Proteins from plants and clean meat are en route to taking up more space on our dinner plates.
Food Justice
Explore the cruelty that exists behind closed doors and impacts us all.
Live-shackling is the single greatest cause of animal suffering in slaughterhouses today. For the billions of chickens who deserve better, it must end.
Food Justice
As slaughterhouses around the country were forced to temporarily close due to COVID-19 outbreaks, animals were cruelly killed.
For Media
Food justice, labor, environmental, farming, and animal welfare organizations launch week of action, send letter to shareholders demanding worker protections
The coalition’s first ever virtual training and networking event gathered participants from 55 countries.
For Media
Free platform to take action to fix our broken food system and support campaign against Tyson
Tyson is making progress in its supply chain, but more still needs to be done.
Social Justice
The US meat industry is prioritizing profit over the lives of workers and animals.
Strategies for nonprofits during uncertain times.
How you can incorporate a more compassionate diet into your life.
Did you know that Austin and Dallas are some of the most vegan friendly cities in Texas?
Food Justice
Tips for navigating animal advocacy in times of crisis.
On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, you can make a difference for the animals and the planet.
With COVID-19 impacting vulnerable populations across the US and abroad, vegan businesses have stepped up to ensure communities receive the food and support they need.
Social Justice
Our common ground with slaughterhouse workers.
We know that settling into life at home can feel overwhelming, stressful, and perhaps a bit boring. That’s why we’ve collected our team’s top, of-the-moment, entertainment picks.
The Humane League is, and has always been, an entirely remote workplace, and we’re here to help others make the transition as seamless as possible with these tips for managing and operating in a remote environment.
The Humane League’s Executive Vice President offers tips on how to manage a newly remote workplace.
A message about COVID-19 from The Humane League
Research Reports
What happened in farm animal advocacy research January 2020.
Join Alex, our NYC Field Organizer, and special guest Vegan Bodega Cat as we eat our way through the BEST vegan food in New York City!
Silicon Valley start-up Prime Roots sold out of their revolutionary mushroom-based “bacon” within hours of putting it online.
Joaquin Phoenix made waves in Hollywood this awards season by consistently speaking out for the animals, and he continues to use his influence for good.
Food Justice
We interview author and award-winning undercover investigator Rich Hardy.
Food Justice
Factory farming is an abusive practice that hurts animals, the environment, and our health.
Research Reports
A protocol for our upcoming study of the global effects of cage-free commitments on gettings hens out of cages.
Changemakers came together to demand Del Taco adopt the Better Chicken Commitment.
The Open Wing Alliance made significant progress for egg-laying hens and broiler chickens in 2019. Check out what the OWA was able to accomplish over the last year.
Find out how the Better Chicken Commitment is helping broiler chickens around the world.
From December 9th through the end of the year, Academics Against Factory Farming will be supporting The Humane League. Here’s how you can get your school involved.
New decade, new you! The best way to start? Commit yourself, your friends, and your family to the best in personal and planetary health, all by taking the Veganuary Pledge this January.
THL has been named a 2019 Top Charity by Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE) for yet another year. Here is how we plan to use donor funding in the coming year.
What's the difference between a rescued dog and a rescued turkey, both bound to be slaughtered for meat?
How Beyond Meat is revolutionizing the Subway sandwich.
For people, October 2nd is just another day of the year. For farmed animals, it memorializes their life of suffering.
Few foods say "summer" more than a grilled burger and fries.
Research Reports
An analysis-ready data set that tracks the supply of cage-free eggs in the United States from December 2007 to present.
For Media
The Humane League Labs today released data showing that 20.3% of all commercial egg-laying hens in the United States are living in cage-free housing systems as of June 2019.
For Media
Groups tell court how deceptive animal-welfare claims harm both animals and consumers
Los Angeles has some of the best plant-based restaurants in the world, and we're sharing our favorites with you!
Perfect for lunch when you're running late.
Enjoy dinner without distress.
Perfect for a simple, breezy breakfast.
Organisations from 44 countries joined together in Poland to change the world for animals.
Another victory for the Open Wing Alliance, as two hotel giants commit to change for hens on a global scale.
Food Justice
Industry welfare commitments are good for animals. Here’s why.
We exist to end the abuse of animals raised for food.
For Media
The Humane League is launching an emboldened mission: To end the abuse of animals raised for food.
Research Reports
Screening 66 US campuses to identify new opportunities for research on reducing the consumption of animal products.
Whether you're hosting a Game Day party, going to a potluck, or just in the mood to make a delicious snack for yourself, we've got the perfect recipe for you!
If you're interested in switching to a plant-based diet, don't worry about having to give up cheese.
Take a look back at all of the incredible things we’ve accomplished.
Food Justice
The Farm Bill has passed Congress without undoing massive progress toward ending extreme confinement.
THL is the only organization to earn this distinction every rating period.
For Media
59 nonprofits hold the world’s largest hospitality company accountable to its timeline to source 100% cage-free eggs worldwide
Food Justice
Californians approved the strongest farm animal protection law in history.
Research Reports
Exploring the challenges of self-reporting diet and alternative approaches to measuring the consumption of animal products.
Social Justice
Low pay, long hours, and unsafe, unsanitary working conditions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the cruel way factory farm laborers are treated.
With so many inspiring, young leaders, the future for animals looks bright.
For Media
Dotsie Bausch, 2012 silver medal Olympian with Team USA, 8-time U.S. National Champion and Former World Record Holder has come forward with eight other athletes from the US, Canada and New Zealand, to launch Legacy for Animals.
Organizations from 43 different countries gathered together to change the world for chickens.
Research Reports
A reanalysis of a randomized study on the impact of different images of farm animals.
For Media
Animal welfare campaign launches near the fast-food giant’s Chicago headquarters with daily demonstrations planned starting Tuesday.
Research Reports
Thoughtful and effective advocates take the long view, recognize and value the interdependence of advocacy outcomes and resist the temptation to rank advocacy strategies.
The Humane League opposes harassment and discrimination in all forms. We are committed to providing a work environment free of sexual (or any form) of unlawful harassment, discrimination, or retaliation.
Research Reports
A reanalysis of a randomized controlled trial examining the effect of different messages on animal product consumption.
Changing the future, one student at a time.
Research Reports
A reanalysis of a randomized study on the amount of diet change resulting from viewing two different leaflets.
Aramark, Compass Group produce unprecedented policies to address chicken abuse on factory farms.
Whether you're in the mood for a burger, salad or pasta - The Humane League and Lighter have you covered.
Research Reports
Significance testing is often insufficient to reach clear conclusions and prone to incorrect interpretations.
Research Reports
The truth we seek usually lies buried in a haze of noisy data almost unrecognizable from the truth.