Our Movement
Victory for Washington’s Fishes and Waters: State Bans Commercial Net Pen Fish Farming
Washington state just banned underwater factory farms, protecting millions of fish and local waters from industrial aquaculture.
Our Movement
Washington state just banned underwater factory farms, protecting millions of fish and local waters from industrial aquaculture.
Learn more about the county’s exciting new food purchasing policy.
Outraged by our movement’s legislative and legal victories, the factory farming industry is fighting back with the “Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression (EATS) Act” and similar legislation. Here’s why these bills present a monumental threat to animals.
Food Justice
The Supreme Court’s decision on California’s Prop 12 changed the lives of millions of animals—and revealed the lengths that the meat industry will go to stop progress on animal welfare.
Food Justice
Arizona prohibited the production and sale of eggs from caged hens, joining nine other states in protecting egg-laying hens at the state level: Utah, Colorado, Michigan, Washington, Oregon, California, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Nevada.
Food Justice
Though critics argue that advocating for animal welfare only cements animals’ exploitation in laboratories, on farms, and in other industrial situations, strengthening welfare standards makes these animals' lives more bearable.