Eight Ways to Advocate for Animals in 2025
Want to make a real difference for animals in 2025? Check out this list of effective actions!
Want to make a real difference for animals in 2025? Check out this list of effective actions!
Your next trip or vacation can be fun, animal-friendly, and an opportunity to meet and support rescued farmed animals.
How are children taught to perceive farmed animals? National 4-H Week is an opportunity to consider educational programs that emphasize compassion.
Every day, 3.8 million pigs are killed around the world. Pickles is one of the lucky few spared from this fate.
How to have fun while raising funds for animals.
Successful plant-powered athletes are everywhere. Learn how to incorporate more plant-based foods in your training.
Despite the majority of Americans opposing wildlife killing contests, only 10 states have banned them. And the animal agriculture industry—no stranger to inflicting excessive cruelty—is in favor of this gruesome practice.
We sit down with award-winning filmmaker Lillie Gardner to discuss her hilarious new web series, and how the idea stemmed from a head of lettuce.
International Respect for Chickens Day is a reminder that farmed birds are caring, extraordinary individuals. Here's what it looks like when they're given the freedom to live—and thrive.
Cicadas provide a window into our biases toward certain insects: Do insects raised for food need legal protections?
Consumers looking to buy "humane meat" may come across misleading labels. So what does humanely raised actually mean?
The comedian reflects on how animals changed her life.
Vegans may not be who you think they are.
A couple years ago, a mix-up at a restaurant changed my perception of vegan foods forever.
Wild bird populations are plummeting. Farm animal protection could be a part of the solution.
Animal advocate Julie Knopp reflects on effective strategies that can propel the farm animal protection movement to a mainstream social justice issue.
To some, bunny farming may seem like a path to profit. In reality, raising rabbits for food is time-consuming, low-profit, and cruel.
Baking without eggs? Yes, it’s easier and more delicious than ever before! You’ll be surprised to discover all of the inventive egg substitutes that are already hidden in your pantry.
Discover a few of the many well-known thinkers, authors, and celebrities who have chosen to go meat-free!
An eggless Easter celebration can save you money, help animals, and benefit your health. This Easter, discover delightful plant-based alternatives to all your favorite Easter traditions!
You may be surprised by the many benefits of eating less meat. By consuming more plant-based foods, you can improve your health, help animals, and build a more sustainable future.
Animals raised for food endure tremendous cruelty during their short lives. But few people are aware of the particular suffering these animals endure during transportation to factory farms, slaughterhouses, and other grim destinations.
The meat industry uses selective breeding to make chickens grow unnaturally large, unnaturally fast. The practice causes immense suffering for millions of chickens on factory farms.
Hidden out of sight from the general population, animal experimentation takes the lives of millions of animals each year—but you can help to end this cruelty.
Sadly, most lambs are born into a food system that doesn’t see them as the sweet, gentle individuals that they are. Instead, the food system prioritizes corporate profits over their well-being.
In nature, mother cows produce enough milk to feed their newborn baby calves. But, factory farms use cruel and unnatural methods to maximize female cows' milk production and, in turn, maximize their own profits.
More and more cafeterias are going meatless on Mondays. Here's why the initiative may be a great choice for your community, too.
Big problems require even bigger solutions. Transforming our entire food system as we know it is no small feat, but it might be exactly what we need to combat the climate crisis.
Tired of paying extra for plant-based proteins? Higher prices for vegan products may soon be a thing of the past, making compassionate food choices more accessible for everyone.