Thank You!

Thank you for letting us know about your forthcoming securities donation! We will let you know when we receive your generous gift to end the abuse of animals raised for food.

To make your gift, notify your broker in writing that you are authorizing the electronic transfer of your shares to The Humane League. You will need to provide them with the following information:

  1. Your name and account number
  2. The name and number of the shares to be transferred
  3. Instruction to transfer the securities to The Humane League’s brokerage account: Account Number: 322-27043 Account Name: The Humane League Custodian: RBC Capital Market DTC #: 0235

Contact information: Joshua Levine 408-947-3311

The Humane League’s contact information: The Humane League PO Box 10476 Rockville, MD 20849 888-211-5241

An email copy of these instructions have been sent to you as well.