4 billion
egg-laying hens spend their lives in battery cages. We're working to get all of them out.
HELP HENSEvery year, 83 billion land animals are abused on factory farms.
And every day, hundreds of millions of them are killed after a life of cruelty. Many of them have never experienced sunshine or fresh air. The feeling of spreading their wings, or turning around in the crates that confine them. Basic rights. Basic decency.
Factory farming is massive suffering for massive profit.
Here’s where you come in
Factory farms are everywhere. But so are we.
The Humane League and the Open Wing Alliance are on a mission to end the abuse of animals raised for food. We fight to protect as many animals as possible from intensive animal agriculture's most egregious practices. This begins with sparing animals from living in cages and crates that can barely contain their bodies.
To deliver a powerful blow to the factory farming industry, we're starting with the most abused land animal, by the numbers, in the world: Chickens.
But we can’t do it without you.
egg-laying hens spend their lives in battery cages. We're working to get all of them out.
HELP HENSWith your help, a cage-free world is only the beginning
Consumer by consumer. Company by company. Country by country. Every day, the world is evolving beyond cruel battery cages—one of factory farming’s worst abuses.
Our cage-free egg work is one piece of our shared mission—but it’s a critical piece of it. With every emptied cage, we’re setting the stage for a kinder world for animals. Because every fulfilled cage-free policy is a powerful proof of concept: People want animals to have better lives. And animals can have better lives.
So far, we’ve helped secure over 2,500+ corporate cage-free commitments around the world. But we’re just getting started. This is our present and our future—until the existence of factory farming becomes our past.
We can see a world without factory farms because advocates like you are making it happen
Our global corporate, legislative, and public awareness campaigns have changed the lives—and futures—of countless animals.
We’re making sure battery cages are eradicated from the face of the planet. We’re making sure that lawmakers and other key decision makers secure protections that help spare even more animals from factory farming’s extreme cruelties. We’re keeping mother pigs and baby cows out of crates, and octopuses out of farms. This is our shared fight, and we’re all in it to win it.
Because ending factory farming isn’t just good for abused animals. It’s good for the exploited workers within it. The polluted communities surrounding it. The forests razed down to accommodate its growth. The overfished oceans. Contaminated freshwater and air. The climate crisis, fueled by the animal agriculture industry producing more greenhouse gas emissions than the entirety of the transportation sector. The health of future generations.
Ending factory farming everywhere is for everyone's good