Advocates Protest Crumbl's Support of Animal Cruelty
A Crumbl store opening in Portland exposes the company’s outdated sourcing practices.
At The Humane League, we hold corporations accountable—influencing the world's biggest companies to abolish the worst forms of abuse throughout their supply chains.
A Bentley University graduate challenges Stop & Shop’s president to honor his alma mater's values—and his company's promise to hens.
DC community members unite to hold corporations accountable for pledges to animals.
In honor of National Supermarket Employee Day, grocery executives received an unexpected delivery: “Bad Egg Awards” calling out their failure to keep promises to hens and customers.
Projections exposed Stop & Shop executives’ failure to act on animal welfare promises, turning store walls into a billboard for change.
In honor of Valentine’s Day—and countless suffering factory-farmed animals—animal lovers told Ahold Delhaize to stop breaking their hearts.
Tasting Table includes The Humane League in its article about Crumbl’s controversies.
Dessert manufacturing company Reina Group fulfills its 100% global cage-free goal.
The influential restaurant chain reinstates its cage-free policy after years of silence.
From initial disbelief to passionate demands for Giant to do better, here are five ways customers responded to the truth about battery cages.
Last year, the Open Wing Alliance made a massive impact for the global animal welfare movement.