Our Mission

We exist to end the abuse of animals raised for food. But we can’t do it without you.

20 Years of Activism

What began as a tiny grassroots organization in 2005—protesting foie gras on bitterly cold nights at local restaurants in Philadelphia—has since grown into an effective and global nonprofit organization. Yet, one thing has stayed the same.

We are, and always have been,

For the animals

We started by focusing on institutional change—holding companies accountable

In partnership with activists across the northeast, we ran dozens of campaigns, from Baltimore to Boston, winning cage-free commitments at every turn.

Over the years—restaurant by restaurant, campus by campus—we’ve worked our way up to tackling companies across the entire food industry. Today, we’re taking on the biggest corporations in the country.


chickens are now free to spread their wings each year beyond the confines of battery cages, thanks to our cage-free wins

Sonic protest

We’ve taken on the world’s largest food companies—and won

We’ve persuaded companies to end the worst abuses of innocent animals who suffer from painful overgrowth, crippling injuries, and frightening deaths.

General Mills. PepsiCo. Grupo Bimbo. Starbucks. Subway. Burger King. Chipotle. Pret A Manger. KFC. Pizza Hut. Taco Bell. Whole Foods. Some of the world’s biggest corporations have all enacted welfare policies to protect animals thanks to the tireless activism and campaigning of this community.




A Global Movement


Because the abuse of animals raised for food is a global crisis

Real social change happens in collaboration with others. After all, this is a movement that’s bigger than ourselves.

That’s why we share resources and train other nonprofit organizations, all while cultivating a welcoming, collaborative, and changemaking community.

In 2016, we founded the Open Wing Alliance (OWA), a global coalition of organizations united in a common goal: to end the abuse of chickens worldwide.

This is just the beginning. Every day, we work to uplift our movement and grow our impact. Together, we’re creating a world where chickens, cows, pigs, and all animals are seen for who they truly are—living, feeling beings who deserve to be free. And we won’t stop until this vision becomes reality.

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partners collaborating across six continents—all members of the Open Wing Alliance

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corporate animal welfare commitments earned to date


in grants distributed to International Open Wing Alliance partner groups

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Our path is clear

We know where we’re going—and what it will take to get there.

Our Mission

To end the abuse of animals raised for food.

Our Vision

A world where animals are treated as living, feeling beings—free from human exploitation.

Our work is grounded in our values

They are our guiding force and inform our culture, and our approach, to ending the abuse of animals raised for food.


We strategically focus our energy, resources and talent toward impactful actions that will reduce, and ultimately end, the abuse of animals raised for food.


We are a league of team players who lift each other up, share our knowledge, resources, and passion with others, and find strength in building an impactful and positive movement for all.


We are an indomitable force—with an unwavering commitment to our mission and endless determination to succeed.


We welcome, respect, and empower others, appreciating the value that every individual brings to our organization and our movement.


We constantly seek opportunities to improve, creating forward-thinking strategies and solutions to grow as a team and a movement.


We quickly and efficiently embrace whatever change is needed to be most effective in achieving our mission.

It's time to rise up. To disrupt. To inspire. To create change. To be the change. To advocate for those who can't. To end the apathy and turn to empathy. For animals who suffer abuse every day on factory farms. We persist. We win. We take a stand.

It's time to rise up. To disrupt. To inspire. To create change. To be the change. To advocate for those who can't. To end the apathy and turn to empathy. For animals who suffer abuse every day on factory farms. We persist. We win. We take a stand.