First in-ovo sexed chick hatched in the US
This groundbreaking technology is a promising step toward a kinder future.
This is your one-stop-shop for everything you ever wanted to know about chickens—and the industry that's exploiting them for food.
This groundbreaking technology is a promising step toward a kinder future.
On World Egg Day, the chicken should come first.
A hen’s closest wild ancestor, the red junglefowl, will produce 10-15 eggs in a year. A commercial egg-laying hen on a factory farm can produce around 300.
Chickens laying eggs have been part of human lives for centuries—they were domesticated over 7,000 years ago! But how does the egg production process actually work? And how has factory farming twisted a natural process?
A chicken clucking in her nest as she lays her eggs is a familiar image: but is she in pain? It depends.
Chickens have the capacity for empathy, deception, and other nuanced cognitive skills. But billions of these birds remain trapped in a food system where they suffer through unnatural living conditions and a brutal slaughter.
Rotisserie chickens contain some less-than-healthy ingredients—and there’s a dark truth behind that cheap price tag.
With a population of over 33 billion, domestic chickens are the most populous birds in the world. Sadly, the most numerous birds in the world also suffer the worst abuses.
The meat industry uses selective breeding to make chickens grow unnaturally large, unnaturally fast. The practice causes immense suffering for millions of chickens on factory farms.
Every chicken deserves a life of dignity and compassion. If your family has room in your home and your hearts, you can change the life of a hen in need.