It’ll take all of us to create change for animals.
What will your legacy be?
Let us knowEnding the abuse of animals raised for food won’t happen over weeks, or even months. It’s a fight that we’ll be waging for generations. For the animals.
With you, a future free of suffering is possible.
The important work we’re doing together today is dramatically changing millions of lives, but it will take time, education, and ongoing advocacy to fully realize the promise we’ve made to animals and ultimately end their abuse on factory farms. Though we may not be there to see the forces of cruelty and injustice come to an end, we see the progress we’ve already made and can clearly envision this kinder future.
Download our free gift planning guide
Simple Ways to Leave a Legacy of Compassion shares several simple ways to make a gift to end animal cruelty and suffering. Our guide also provides essential information you’ll need to make your gift—and explores why creating a plan for your animal companions is an essential part of your own planning.
Your partnership in this important work can be a part of your enduring legacy of compassion and empower us to keep fighting for change as long as we are needed. Because you share our commitment to helping farm animals, please consider including a gift to The Humane League in your will or living trust, or by naming us a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance, donor-advised fund, or other financial account. This could be the most impactful gift you make for animals.
Interested in speaking with us? Contact us to join or learn more about our Legacy Society.
What will your legacy be?
Let us knowThere are several ways to include a gift to The Humane League in your will or living trust. Your attorney can help you determine the best way to make your gift.
You can name The Humane League as a partial or total beneficiary of your retirement accounts, life insurance plan, Donor-Advised Fund (DAF), and other financial accounts, including your bank and brokerage accounts.
As with gifts in your will, you can designate all or a percentage of the funds in your account, and you can name The Humane League as a primary beneficiary or a second-in-line beneficiary. And, of course, you can change your mind at any time.
When you include a gift in your will or trust, or through a beneficiary designation, please be sure to include our legal designation and tax ID number:
The Humane League
Federal Tax ID #04-3817491
Mail PO Box 10476, Rockville, MD 20849 (Attn: Development Department)
It’s important for me to help change the unnecessarily cruel factory farming processes, and my yearly contributions and planned legacy donation to The Humane League are a large part of that. I believe it CAN make a difference in the goal to eliminate animal suffering.
Holly Yeagle is a Legacy Society member
The Humane League Legacy Society
Will you let us know that you’ve made a gift in your will or other legacy gift and share some details with us? We will never pressure you to disclose information you would not be comfortable sharing, but we would be grateful to have the opportunity to thank you and welcome you to our Legacy Society.
All you need to do is complete and return this Notification of Gift Intention Fillable Form.
When you join The Humane League Legacy Society, we are pleased to offer:
and year after year, generation after generation of caring individuals are working hard to end the abuse of animals raised for food.
Create Your Will For Free
Planning for your future is a powerful way for you to make important life decisions, protect your loved ones, and make a lasting impact on the issues you care about most. With that in mind, we’ve teamed up with FreeWill to offer a free, online asset planning resource, which allows you to designate an amount or percentage of your assets to The Humane League, and any other charities that you partner with to create a better world. Whether you are planning your estate with a professional advisor or interested in establishing a legal will independently, this complementary tool may be able to support you in planning for your future.
The Humane League cannot offer legal or financial advice and therefore strongly recommends consulting with legal and financial advisors when creating or changing a will or trust. Clicking the button below will take you to the FreeWill site, which is not hosted by The Humane League.
We are here to help you explore your gift options and build your legacy
To request information about joining our Legacy Society or find out how to make a meaningful gift that will help millions of animals, please fill out this form or contact us:
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This information is not legal or financial advice. We recommend consulting your own attorney, financial planner, or other trusted advisor when considering a gift.