Social media house rules

Social media house rules

At The Humane League, we believe in creating a safe, healthy and compassionate space for you and our community. We ask for your support in creating a respectful environment as we work toward our shared goal to end the the suffering of animals.

  1. Profanity and overly aggressive posts are not tolerated.
  2. Bullying, name-calling, threatening or other forms of abuse are simply not allowed.
  3. Spam or promotion of unrelated content does not belong here.
  4. If you disagree with someone, please keep your conversation civil and friendly.
  5. Being followed, or engaged with, does not imply any kind of endorsement.
  6. Occasionally, we share graphic animal abuse footage as a means of education. We do not endorse this, or any, violence. Please consume this content at your own discretion.
  7. In adherence to these House Rules, we reserve the right to remove your comments.
  8. Most of all, we ask that you simply show compassion—for animals and for others.