The Open Wing Alliance Succeeds In Petitioning PepsiCo To Report Global Cage-Free Egg Usage
PepsiCo reports sourcing 100% of cage-free eggs from U.S. supply chains since 2020, and is on track to source 100% of cage-free eggs globally by 2025.

(New York, NY - April 05, 2023) — Today, the Open Wing Alliance (OWA) announces that PepsiCo, the third largest global manufacturer with a portfolio of 23 brands, is now accounting for its total global cage-free egg usage and is on track to source 100% cage-free eggs globally by 2025. PepsiCo’s new transparency comes after a global campaign by the OWA and the publication of its Global Manufacturers Report, which called out PepsiCo for not reporting its global cage-free progress.
Change is contagious, and the decision by PepsiCo to meet our demand for global cage-free egg reporting has secured a victory for animal welfare and set a powerful example for other companies to follow,” said Jennie Hunter, Global Corporate Campaigns Manager at Open Wing Alliance. “Consumers today demand higher animal welfare standards and expect transparency from food companies; by not being completely forthcoming about their animal welfare policies, brands like Kellogg's risk losing the trust of their consumers.”
PepsiCo’s updated commitment shows that in 2022, its cage-free egg procurement was approximately 50% of its total global egg spend, with the manufacturer purchasing exclusively cage-free eggs in the U.S. since 2020.
More than 2,400 companies, including 146 of the largest global corporations, have made cage-free egg commitments, and one-third of those companies are manufacturers.
For more information about The Open Wing Alliance, visit Follow along with the cage-free movement on Twitter @GlobalCageFree.
Why cage-free egg systems? Globally, leading companies are phasing out cages. However, over 6 billion hens exist in tiny, cramped cages that prevent them from carrying out the most natural behaviors, such as stretching their wings. Caged systems promote fear, poor bone health, high levels of reproductive disease, and extreme stress in egg-laying hens.