Why is your heart #ForTheAnimals? Check out these activists’ inspiring stories
Spending time with different species, getting to know their unique personalities, and learning their stories can change our entire perspective on animals. Our supporters shared what first inspired them to spread kindness and compassion for animals.

Every day, we’re inundated with messages telling us that humans are superior to animals—to the point where it’s perfectly legal for humans to subject animals to horrific forms of cruelty and violence. But, we don’t have to accept this idea. Instead, as we learn more about the different species who share our world, we can choose to treat animals with care and compassion.
Around the world, people show their passion for helping animals in different ways—whether it’s raising awareness for the benefits of leaving animals off your plate, or taking to the streets to protest against the ways companies exploit animals. But no matter how they take action, all of these Changemakers have one thing in common: they’re guided by an unwavering commitment to creating a better world for animals.
We asked our community what first inspired them to make a difference for animals, and their stories touched our hearts and minds. Read their stories to learn how a little bit of compassion can change the lives of humans and animals alike.
Why you're for the animals
Because chickens are friends, not food.
I always loved birds and animals. 12 years ago, I read a newspaper story that told the story of a terrified pig at a slaughterhouse being beaten with a metal bar as it tried to climb a wall to escape. I was horrified. No animal should ever be made to suffer like that and with the story about slaughterhouse workers mistreating animals. I put my plate down and went vegan immediately. I had never eaten chicken as a child. My folks had chickens and they were my friends! There are so many products that are cruelty-free in supermarkets now so if you love animals, don’t eat them.
Moira Brabender
Because we should love every species—not just dogs and cats.
When I sit with my dog and cat and see their personalities and know how they feel love and pain and I think of those who are tortured and caged up, it breaks my heart. The realization that these forgotten animals feel pain, have personalities and families just like humans and yet are treated like nothing. I have to fight for them because they deserve love and respect and to live in a world without pain and neglect.
Janine Theresa Proctor
Because cows can give us kisses.
I was 16 years old, walking down a road in Puerto Rico when a cow came up behind me and licked me. I thought the cow was kissing me. In retrospect, she was just trying to lick the sweat from my back, but at age sixteen I thought it was a kiss. At that moment, I was determined never to eat meat again. I am a vegan, I love all.
Maureen Vidal
Because animals aren’t commodities.
I first became aware of the atrocities that take place every day on factory farms through PETA and other animal welfare groups, and realized that we don’t see farm animals as animals at all, but only as commodities for our use, without regard to their extreme fear and suffering.
Marilyn V. Ridley
Because one book can change your entire perspective on animals.
I read Peter Singer’s book Animal Liberation over 33 years ago and it changed me in an instant. I was always an animal lover. As a child I picked up worms from the sidewalk where they were drying up and put them back in the grass. I argued with the nuns in first grade who told me I could not love a dog. I told my anatomy teacher in nursing school I could not and would not dissect a cat. He said as long as I could pass the lab final I didn't have to do it. I went vegetarian immediately upon reading Animal Liberation. That also involved what brand of paper towels I bought, what cosmetics I used (cruelty-free), and what clothes I wore—no more wool or leather. Going vegan was a work in progress and I finally did so this year after being more active with signing petitions and sending emails for the animals and posting those on my Facebook newsfeed.
Mary Helen Barletti
Because animals belong in the garden, not on your plate.
I adopted a lop-eared bunny rabbit, two years ago. I watched him hopping and running around my garden. As I watched him, and loved him, I decided I could no longer fool myself into believing I was a rescuer of animals, as I had animals on my plate. That’s why I stopped eating meat. I’m now en route to being vegan. Yay!
Julie Alicia Witherow
Because one friend can set you on the right path for life.
Pizza place. 1986. I was eating pepperoni slices and asked my friend Chuck about his choice of pizza. He replied, “I like animals so I don't eat them.” I knew that was the path for me so I started walking it, and never looked back.
Michael Chutich
Because every mother pig in a gestation crate deserves to feel the sun on her face.
I was already plant-based, but the moment I became vegan was watching a Labrador Retriever roll around in the grass. I visualized a mother pig incarcerated her whole life in a small cage, who would never feel the pure joy of rolling in the grass and feeling the sun on her face. I resolved then and there that for the rest of my life I would do everything I could do to make sure every animal lives safe, free and happy.
Karen E. Rubio
Because it’s not just about us, it’s about the animals.
I have been vegetarian for forty years. It was all about me, what I liked and didn’t like, and my health. With the help of Veganuary, I became vegan four years ago. One of the videos Veganuary shared was about The Humane League. Now it is no longer about me, it is about the animals. Veganuary and The Humane League revealed that epiphany. Ending the abuse of animals raised for food, that is the ultimate vision.
Janice E. Spencer
Because speciesism is wrong.
When I actually realized the term ‘speciesism,’ my heart ached for those who cannot stand up for their right to live. I owe my vegan journey to The Humane League. THL is the reason why I choose veganism!
Zakia Z. Rahman
Because humans aren’t superior to animals.
I have always had a kinship with animals. As I have grown older and been exposed to their plight on every continent in every corner of the world, visited upon them by humans, I have been increasingly adamant in my advocacy for them. We are not, by and large, the superior beings we claim to be, and in many ways, they are superior to us.
Randall K. Foreman
Because Bambi made us all cry.
I have known that I was for animals since the day I was born. Truly. I hurt mentally and physically when I hear of any cruelty. YES, I was one of the many who cried at Bambi!
Pam Lightfoot
Because chickens deserve better.
Vegetarianism goes far back on my mother’s side of the family. I’ve been surrounded by vegetarians for my whole life (except for my dad’s side of the family). My sister always told me, “Their death is painless.” I didn’t budge and kept convincing her to become vegetarian. Then I discovered this site one day. I read “Chickens Deserve Better” and saw the picture. It still haunts me. I will continue being a prideful vegetarian. I will make an impact with The Humane League.
Are you for the animals, too?
Feeling inspired? If you’re for the animals, you’ll be in great company in our Changemaker community. Every day, we work together to end the cruelty of factory farming and build a kinder future for animals. Take action with us now.