Yum! Brands Makes Rapid Progress on its 100% Cage-Free Egg Commitment Just Two Years After Pledge
The world’s largest service restaurant company and its sub-brands, KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and The Habit Burger Grill, expect to be cage-free at most locations by 2026.

(New York, NY - July 26, 2023)—Today, the Open Wing Alliance (OWA), a global coalition working to end the abuse of chickens worldwide, announces that Yum! Brands—the world’s largest service restaurant company with almost 50,000 locations in 150+ countries—has started reporting on its commitment to source 100% cage-free eggs (shell, liquid, ingredients) globally by 2030. The majority of YUM! Brand and sub-brand locations, including KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and The Habit Burger Grill, will make the transition to cage-free by 2026, and Yum! will report progress annually. This milestone commitment came after a collaboration between Yum! Brands and the OWA.
“Given the company’s extensive global presence, Yum! Brands' commitment to ensuring a more ethical supply chain will have far-reaching impacts and drive a more humane food industry,” says Hannah Surowinski, Global Corporate Relations Manager, the Open Wing Alliance. “We are calling on the Jollibee Corporation to follow the lead of Yum! Brands and its subsidiaries, including Jollibee competitor KFC, and commit to sourcing 100% cage-free eggs worldwide. Failure to do so will put Jollibee in jeopardy of losing consumer trust.”
As investors join consumers in prioritizing the ESG principles of ethical supply chains, companies across the globe and their suppliers are rising to the challenge. More than 2,400 companies, including 146 of the largest global corporations, have made cage-free egg commitments, including Restaurant Business International, Famous Brands, Inspire Brands, and Focus Brands.
For more information about The Open Wing Alliance, visit OpenWingAlliance.org. Follow along with the cage-free movement on Twitter @GlobalCageFree.