In the words of actress and activist Persia White, “our abuse of power is destroying the planet, our health, and the moral fiber that holds a just society together.”

As an actress, singer, and musician, Persia White is no stranger to using her voice. And since she was twelve, she’s been using it to help create a kinder world for animals. The co-producer of the award-winning documentary "Earthlings" joined us to talk about her plant-based journey, her love of animals, and her passion for shining a light into the darkest corners of our food system.
You have used your remarkable platform as an actress, a singer, and a filmmaker for good and have been a phenomenal advocate for animals over the years. What fuels your passion for speaking up for animals?
I feel fortunate to have a voice, and I’m driven to use it to help the voiceless. Animals are at the mercy of humans, and I believe it is our moral imperative to have reverence for all life. It really is an honor to be able to help raise awareness and compassion in this world.
You’ve been plant-based for more than 25 years now. Can you describe this transition? When did you effectively stop eating animals and what inspired you to make the switch?
Yes, I've been plant based for over 25 years! I would have been plant-based my whole life if I was fortunate enough to have a family that supported a plant-based diet or helped me make the transition sooner.
My transition wasn't easy, because I was a child, and my mother and family didn’t agree with or understand my choice. I know this is often the hardest obstacle for many people who would like to transition to a plant-based diet, because family and friends can make things very difficult.
My love of our family dogs and animals inspired me to make the connection between the animals we love at home, and the animals we eat. I realized there was no difference between the two.
Years later, I worked on a documentary called Earthlings. Showing that film to friends and family really helped them to understand why I decided to go plant based. Watching Earthlings also helped many of my friends and family make the connection, and transition their own diets to vegetarian or vegan.
I recommend watching films like Earthlings or Forks Over Knives, and reading books like Diet For A New America or Fast Food Nation. The more information I had, the easier it was to transition to a plant-based diet. Above all, don't give up! I held on to the idea of being vegan way before I could actually do it.
What have you learned about the food system throughout your plant-based journey—for example, as it pertains to animal welfare, the environment, or even just healthy living overall?
Having been plant-based for over 25 years, I have learned so much in regard to animal welfare, the environment, and healthy living. I watched plant-based documentaries, read books, and looked at science-based data to help understand how to thrive physically and emotionally, help the environment, and, of course, protect the animals.
Once I learned about what’s actually going on, I knew I didn’t want to support the viciously cruel systems that are creating suffering for animals, hurting people, and destroying our planet. As I already said, watching documentaries like Earthlings and reading books like Diet For A New America taught me so much, but I also learned a great deal from research made public by wonderful doctors like Dr. Michael Greger ( and Dr. Neal Barnard, who founded the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. I was blown away. When I fueled myself with lifesaving information, it also gave me the tools to help family members with health conditions get better.
What are your thoughts on the intersections between animals and other social justice issues? Do you think more should be done to draw correlations between the two?
As a species, we need to make the connection between the way we treat animals and other social justice issues. Our abuse of power is destroying the planet, our health, and the moral fiber that holds a just society together.
You have been a prominent supporter of numerous animal welfare organizations. Why is making a difference in that way so important to you?
Animal welfare organizations expose disturbing cruelty and unethical practices that would otherwise go unseen. They shed light into the darkest corners of the world—unmasking organizations that are abusing their power, creating unjustified suffering, and destroying the environment.
What are your hopes for the future of the world’s food system?
We need people to urge our governments to stop allowing these vicious and unhealthy practices. But how can we do that if no one brings it forward to the public?
Large billion-dollar corporations take advantage of the public's ignorance. Animal welfare organizations uncover the truth—and knowledge is power. We need people to demand that our world's food systems prioritize our health and safety, and stop the barbaric practice of using animals for food and products. As a species, we need to allow ourselves to evolve—and acknowledge that a plant-based diet is the future of food.
Keep up with Persia White on her Instagram! And for inspiration and tips on switching to a plant-based diet, check out our Path to Plant-Based Starter Guide.