USDA Orders Milk Be Tested for Bird Flu. Here’s What They’re Not Telling You.
Milk with a side of bird flu? Hard pass.
Our food system is broken. We're thinking through what it would look like to fix it—for animals, for workers, and for the environment.
Learn more about the county’s exciting new food purchasing policy
Food Justice
Farmed animals are not the only victims of factory farming’s cruelty.
Food Justice
Milk with a side of bird flu? Hard pass.
Food Justice
It’s time to recognize that human health is inextricably connected to the health of animals and our planet.
Factory farming is an intersectional issue that affects us all. Here’s why.
Food Justice
Before 2050, the world will likely experience another pandemic. Here’s how we can prepare.
Food Justice
The Supreme Court’s decision on California’s Prop 12 changed the lives of millions of animals—and revealed the lengths that the meat industry will go to stop progress on animal welfare.
Food Justice
There are countless animal organizations around the world. While they all perform different roles, they share a common goal: making animals’ lives better.
To protect the planet, humans must begin at the source: the ocean.
Food Justice
The US government enacted the Humane Slaughter Act decades ago to extend basic protections to animals in slaughterhouses. However, the law leaves out billions of animals, and its protections are often unenforced.