So You Made a Cage-Free Commitment. Now What?
A number of national food conglomerates made a commitment to source only cage-free eggs in their supply chains. But the question remains: will they be transparent about their progress?
A number of national food conglomerates made a commitment to source only cage-free eggs in their supply chains. But the question remains: will they be transparent about their progress?
Billions of cows, chickens, and pigs are killed each year to feed an unsustainable demand for meat that’s eating away at the planet. But innovations in science and technology could bring this needless killing to an end. Lab-grown meat is here.
Ventilation Shutdown Plus (VSD+) is a method used by farmers to control the spread of avian influenza. The suffering can last for hours before the birds finally die.
Six years ago, Rite Aid committed to cage-free sourcing by 2025. But in its latest sustainability report, it accelerated its timeline to 100% cage-free at all locations by the end of this year—a direct result of animal advocates’ efforts around the world.
Food Justice
Ventilation shutdown plus (VSD+) is an incredibly inhumane method of killing lots of animals at once by shutting off air supply and driving up temperatures, leading to organ failure and suffocation. And it has to stop.
As the largest organization representing the veterinary profession, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has an obligation to empower vets and prevent animal suffering. But on some issues, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Chickens are highly intelligent, social animals and each has a unique personality, just like a human being. While our broken food system treats chickens as a consumable product, these incredibly diverse creatures have numerous breeds, markings, and traits.
With a rise in plant-based meats on the market, it’s easier than ever to leave animals off your plate. Wondering about the benefits of plant-based chicken? Here’s what you need to know to make a compassionate choice.
Like broiler chickens, factory-farmed turkeys are bred to grow unnaturally large. Today’s turkeys are so heavy that they could never take to the air, even if they were given the opportunity. It’s time to end the abuse of turkeys.
Veal is notorious for its cruelty. All veal comes from a baby cow who was separated from their mom at birth and forced to endure horrific abuse.
Our vital ocean ecosystems face an existential threat: the commercial fishing industry. Around the world, commercial fishing is decimating fish populations, threatening countless other marine species, and destroying crucial habitats.
The meat industry repeatedly impregnates female pigs so it can raise and kill their newborn piglets. These female pigs will spend their entire pregnancies trapped in a “gestation crate”—a metal cage that is so tight, a pig can’t even turn around.
While death is an inevitable part of all animals’ lives, slaughter doesn’t need to be—especially at the nauseating scale that intensive industrial agriculture demands.
Understanding where our food comes from is important, especially if you want to learn how to vote with your dollar and choose products that cause the least amount of harm.
The vast majority of chickens in the US are forced to live in intensive factory farms where they face truly appalling conditions.
While companion animals often endure cruelty on a daily basis, cruelty is rampant in the industries that use animals for food, entertainment, experimentation, fur, and more.
Throughout their lives, broiler chickens and layer hens are subject to endless suffering.
The majority of chickens don't get to live out their full, natural lifespans. Instead, the factory farm industry cuts their lives short.
Food Justice
Over the last century, the once pastoral farmlands of America have undergone a tremendous transformation, and not for the better.
Behind the low cost of this cheap meat, is a big cost—the painful suffering of smart, cuddly, and curious chickens.
Because of human intervention, there are some breeds of chickens whose weight has drastically changed over a short amount of time.
The process of making chicken nuggets is gruesome, to say the least. With so many plant-based nuggets on grocery store shelves, opting for a more ethical nugget is easier than ever.
It's hard to predict the future of the meat industry, but we do know one thing: Curbing or eliminating your meat consumption makes the world a better place.
The use of antibiotics on chicken farms not only encourages chickens to grow unnaturally large, unnaturally fast—it also poses a grave threat to human health, in the form of growing antibiotic resistance.
Factory fish farms confine high densities of fish within small containers or nets for their entire lives—something that's particularly unnatural for species like salmon, which would otherwise migrate thousands of miles.
Feedlots and dairy barns represent some of the most challenging living conditions endured by animals today. Here's why you should help cows, and how you can do it.
The removal of their tails is one of many abuses that young sheep endure. No matter the method, tail-docking has been shown to cause pain in lambs.
Cows on factory farms spend most of their lives standing or lying down in filthy pens that are so crowded, it can be difficult for them to walk any distance.
Factory-farmed turkeys, like broiler chickens, have been bred to grow too large, too fast.
Exploring the ever-expanding realm of dairy alternatives is a great way to reduce the suffering of cows on factory farms, and to shrink your carbon footprint.
Without animal welfare organizations, animals languishing on farms, in laboratories, and within natural habitats would have no protection from the worst abuses inflicted on them by humans.
Human beings don't need to drink the milk of other species to survive, and cow’s milk is no exception. Studies have linked dairy consumption to allergies, skin conditions, and even cancers.
Food Justice
In addition to advocating for welfare improvements, animal charities encourage the public to think critically about how their lifestyle choices impact animals.
Poultry farming comes at a great cost to both humans and animals. Billions of chickens, ducks, and turkeys are mistreated on factory farms each year.
Though eggs are high in protein and rich in omega-3 acids, they've also been linked to a higher risk of cancer, diabetes, and other diseases.
Food Justice
The Animal Welfare Act has improved the lives of some animals, but it leaves much to be desired, in part because farm animals don't fall under its purview.
Some of the worst aspects of chicken farming, such as live-shackle slaughter and forced molting, are being challenged by consumers and companies alike.
While the natural lifespan of a cow is 15-20 years, the dairy industry rarely allows cows to live past age five. They're sent to slaughter soon after their production levels drop.
Food Justice
Animal welfare organizations are committed to seeing the lives of animals improved. Although this movement has achieved great victories over the years, there remains much to be done.
Food Justice
On factory farms, animals endure routine mutilations, extreme confinement, and genetic manipulation—all for the supposed benefit of human consumers.
Food Justice
Animals deserve more protection than they have today. By becoming involved in this movement, you can make a huge difference in their lives.
Broiler chickens are chickens raised for meat. On factory farms, they’re usually slaughtered when they’re just 6-7 weeks old.
There is an incredible diversity of breeds, each with varying plumage and dispositions.
Animal rights advocates believe that non-human animals should be free to live as they wish, without being used, exploited, or otherwise interfered with by humans.
Scientific evidence suggests that fish feel pain. Their complex nervous systems and behaviors challenge long-held beliefs that fish can be treated with no regard for their welfare.
Broiler chickens on factory farms are treated more like inanimate objects than living beings. Their brutal conditions also pose grave risks to human health and worker safety.
Food Justice
Factory farms are disastrous for the environment, nearby communities, consumer health, and animal welfare.
Food Justice
Explore the cruelty that exists behind closed doors and impacts us all.
The coalition’s first ever virtual training and networking event gathered participants from 55 countries.
How you can incorporate a more compassionate diet into your life.
Fish Welfare
Why a pescetarian diet isn't as good for you (or the planet) as you might think.